Grammar Manager

In [1]:
from xv.english import GrammarManager
import random
In [2]:
ke = GrammarManager(root_folder = "books_text")
In [3]:
0. _problem_get_sentences_type
1. _problem_sentense_conversion
2. _problem_random_sentense
3. _problem_assertive_simple_tense
4. _problem_assertive_perfect_tense
5. _problem_assertive_imperfect_tense
6. _problem_assertive_continuous_tense
7. _problem_simple_tense
8. _problem_perfect_tense
9. _problem_imperfect_tense
10. _problem_continuous_tense
11. _problem_all_tenses
12. _problem_all_assertive_passive_tenses
13. _problem_all_passive_tenses
14. _problem_word_usage
15. _problem_word_usage_fill_blanks
16. _problem_irregular_plural_forms
17. _problem_irregular_singular_forms
18. _problem_noun_plural_fill_blanks
19. _problem_noun_fill_blanks
20. _problem_pronoun_fill_blanks
21. _problem_adjective_fill_blanks
22. _problem_verb_fill_blanks
23. _problem_adverb_fill_blanks
24. _problem_preposition_fill_blanks
25. _problem_conjunction_fill_blanks
26. _problem_interjection_fill_blanks
27. _problem_determiner_fill_blanks
28. _problem_predeterminer_fill_blanks
In [ ]:
In [4]:
from IPython.display import HTML
import random
sentence_type = random.choice(['introgative', 'negative', 'imperative', 'help_you'])
n = len(ke._problemTemplates)
max_loop = 1
for j in range(0, max_loop):
    for i in range(n):
        problem_type = i
        display(HTML(f"<h2>problem_type: {problem_type}/{n-1} (loop {j}/{max_loop-1})</h2>"))
        ke.getRandomProblem(problem_type = problem_type, 
                            verbose = True,
                            sentence_type = sentence_type)



problem_type: 0/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_get_sentences_type

Write examples the imperative sentences.

Examples the imperative sentences:

Let's finally get rid of old things.
-  The Metamorphosis

Take it easy on my parents!
-  The Metamorphosis

Maybe if you don't understand that, well, I do.
-  The Metamorphosis

Examples the imperative sentences:

Let's finally get rid of old things.
-  The Metamorphosis

Take it easy on my parents!
-  The Metamorphosis

Maybe if you don't understand that, well, I do.
-  The Metamorphosis

problem_type: 1/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_sentense_conversion

Convert from negative-introgative to negative, imperfect to simple:

Are boys not playing drum ?

Were boys not playing drum ?

Will boys not be playing drum ?
Note: Conversions are not exact but directives.

Boys do not play drum .

Boys did not play drum .

Boys will not play drum .

Conversion from negative-introgative to negative, imperfect to simple:
Note: Conversions are not exact but directives.

Are boys not playing drum ?

Boys do not play drum .

Were boys not playing drum ?

Boys did not play drum .

Will boys not be playing drum ?

Boys will not play drum .

problem_type: 2/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_random_sentense

Write examples the negative, present, passive sentences.

Examples the negative, present, passive sentences:

An application is not written by the player.

An application is not being written by the player.

An application has not been written by the player.

An application has not been being written by the player.

Examples the negative, present, passive sentences:

An application is not written by the player.

An application is not being written by the player.

An application has not been written by the player.

An application has not been being written by the player.

problem_type: 3/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_assertive_simple_tense

Write examples the assertive, simple, active sentences.

Examples the assertive, simple, active sentences:

Players play instruments .

Players played instruments .

Players will play instruments .

Examples the assertive, simple, active sentences:

Players play instruments .

Players played instruments .

Players will play instruments .

problem_type: 4/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_assertive_perfect_tense

Write examples the assertive, perfect, active sentences.

Examples the assertive, perfect, active sentences:

John and the player have played games.

John and the player had played games .

John and the player will have played games .

Examples the assertive, perfect, active sentences:

John and the player have played games.

John and the player had played games .

John and the player will have played games .

problem_type: 5/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_assertive_imperfect_tense

Write examples the assertive, imperfect, active sentences.

Examples the assertive, imperfect, active sentences:

The child is writing applications .

The child was writing applications .

The child will be writing applications .

Examples the assertive, imperfect, active sentences:

The child is writing applications .

The child was writing applications .

The child will be writing applications .

problem_type: 6/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_assertive_continuous_tense

Write examples the assertive, continuous, active sentences.

Examples the assertive, continuous, active sentences:

Children have been playing keyboard .

Children had been playing keyboard .

Children will have been playing keyboard .

Examples the assertive, continuous, active sentences:

Children have been playing keyboard .

Children had been playing keyboard .

Children will have been playing keyboard .

problem_type: 7/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_simple_tense

Write examples the simple, active sentences.

Examples the simple, active sentences:

Does the boy not play drums ?

Did the boy not play drums ?

Will the boy not play drums ?

Examples the simple, active sentences:

Does the boy not play drums ?

Did the boy not play drums ?

Will the boy not play drums ?

problem_type: 8/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_perfect_tense

Write examples the perfect, active sentences.

Examples the perfect, active sentences:

The player has written letters.

The player had written letters .

The player will have written letters .

Examples the perfect, active sentences:

The player has written letters.

The player had written letters .

The player will have written letters .

problem_type: 9/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_imperfect_tense

Write examples the imperfect, active sentences.

Examples the imperfect, active sentences:

Ram is playing instruments .

Ram was playing instruments .

Ram will be playing instruments .

Examples the imperfect, active sentences:

Ram is playing instruments .

Ram was playing instruments .

Ram will be playing instruments .

problem_type: 10/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_continuous_tense

Write examples the continuous, active sentences.

Examples the continuous, active sentences:

Has Hamid not been playing football ?

Had Hamid not been playing football ?

Will Hamid not have been playing football ?

Examples the continuous, active sentences:

Has Hamid not been playing football ?

Had Hamid not been playing football ?

Will Hamid not have been playing football ?

problem_type: 11/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_all_tenses

Write examples the active sentences.

Examples the active sentences:

Does the kid play basketball ?

Is the kid playing basketball ?

Has the kid played basketball?

Has the kid been playing basketball ?

Did the kid play basketball ?

Was the kid playing basketball ?

Had the kid played basketball ?

Had the kid been playing basketball ?

Will the kid play basketball ?

Will the kid be playing basketball ?

Will the kid have played basketball ?

Will the kid have been playing basketball ?

Examples the active sentences:

Does the kid play basketball ?

Is the kid playing basketball ?

Has the kid played basketball?

Has the kid been playing basketball ?

Did the kid play basketball ?

Was the kid playing basketball ?

Had the kid played basketball ?

Had the kid been playing basketball ?

Will the kid play basketball ?

Will the kid be playing basketball ?

Will the kid have played basketball ?

Will the kid have been playing basketball ?

problem_type: 12/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_all_assertive_passive_tenses

Write examples the assertive, passive sentences.

Examples the assertive, passive sentences:

A book is written by players .

A book is being written by players .

A book has been written by players.

A book has been being written by players .

A book was written by players .

A book was being written by players .

A book had been written by players .

A book had been being written by players .

A book will be written by players .

A book will be being written by players a book .

A book will have been written by players .

A book will have been being written by players .

Examples the assertive, passive sentences:

A book is written by players .

A book is being written by players .

A book has been written by players.

A book has been being written by players .

A book was written by players .

A book was being written by players .

A book had been written by players .

A book had been being written by players .

A book will be written by players .

A book will be being written by players a book .

A book will have been written by players .

A book will have been being written by players .

problem_type: 13/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_all_passive_tenses

Write examples the passive sentences.

Examples the passive sentences:

Are games played by students ?

Are games being played by students ?

Have games been played by students?

Have games been being played by students ?

Were games played by students ?

Were games being played by students ?

Had games been played by students ?

Had games been being played by students ?

Will games be played by students ?

Will games be being played by students games ?

Will games have been played by students ?

Will games have been being played by students ?

Examples the passive sentences:

Are games played by students ?

Are games being played by students ?

Have games been played by students?

Have games been being played by students ?

Were games played by students ?

Were games being played by students ?

Had games been played by students ?

Had games been being played by students ?

Will games be played by students ?

Will games be being played by students games ?

Will games have been played by students ?

Will games have been being played by students ?

problem_type: 14/28 (loop 0/0)

_initProblemTemplate Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_random_words'
                Failed to get problemTemplate failed in 3 tries.
                kwargs: {'problem_type': 14, 'verbose': True, 'sentence_type': 'imperative'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\eclipse\python\xv-km-lib\src\xv\km\kelements\", line 153, in _initProblemTemplate
    problemTemplate = getattr(self, problemTemplateName)(*args, **kwargs)
  File "E:\eclipse\python\xv-english-lib\src\xv\english\literature\", line 525, in _problem_word_usage
    words = grammar_helper.get_random_words(count = 4)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_random_words'

Failed to get random problem

Write examples the passive sentences.

Examples the passive sentences:

Are games played by students ?

Are games being played by students ?

Have games been played by students?

Have games been being played by students ?

Were games played by students ?

Were games being played by students ?

Had games been played by students ?

Had games been being played by students ?

Will games be played by students ?

Will games be being played by students games ?

Will games have been played by students ?

Will games have been being played by students ?

Examples the passive sentences:

Are games played by students ?

Are games being played by students ?

Have games been played by students?

Have games been being played by students ?

Were games played by students ?

Were games being played by students ?

Had games been played by students ?

Had games been being played by students ?

Will games be played by students ?

Will games be being played by students games ?

Will games have been played by students ?

Will games have been being played by students ?

problem_type: 15/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_word_usage_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using words given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: decomposition, fob, bestow, broadly

The hiss of the quenched element, the breakage of a pitcher which I flung from my hand when I had emptied it, and, above all, the splash of the shower-bath I had liberally __________, roused Mr. Rochester at last. Though it was now dark, I knew he was awake; because I heard him fulminating strange anathemas at finding himself lying in a pool of water....
-  Jane Eyre

... Men too often confound them: they should not be confounded: appearance should not be mistaken for truth; narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substituted for the world-redeeming creed of Christ. There is-I repeat it-a difference; and it is a good, and not a bad action to mark __________ and clearly the line of separation between them.
-  Jane Eyre

... I go into mystery instead, as cheaper and more lasting--a sort of gas which is likely to be continually supplied by the __________ of the elephants. And if I like the look of an opinion, I treat it civilly, without suspicious inquiries....
-  Daniel Deronda

... By some writers this office is called a sinecure. But not so. Because the Lord Warden is busily employed at times in __________ his perquisites; which are his chiefly by virtue of that same __________ of them.
-  Moby Dick 11

Words: decomposition, fob, bestow, broadly
The hiss of the quenched element, the breakage of a pitcher which I flung from my hand when I had emptied it, and, above all, the splash of the shower-bath I had liberally bestowed, roused Mr. Rochester at last. Though it was now dark, I knew he was awake; because I heard him fulminating strange anathemas at finding himself lying in a pool of water....
-  Jane Eyre

... Men too often confound them: they should not be confounded: appearance should not be mistaken for truth; narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substituted for the world-redeeming creed of Christ. There is-I repeat it-a difference; and it is a good, and not a bad action to mark broadly and clearly the line of separation between them.
-  Jane Eyre

... I go into mystery instead, as cheaper and more lasting--a sort of gas which is likely to be continually supplied by the decomposition of the elephants. And if I like the look of an opinion, I treat it civilly, without suspicious inquiries....
-  Daniel Deronda

... By some writers this office is called a sinecure. But not so. Because the Lord Warden is busily employed at times in fobbing his perquisites; which are his chiefly by virtue of that same fobbing of them.
-  Moby Dick 11

The hiss of the quenched element, the breakage of a pitcher which I flung from my hand when I had emptied it, and, above all, the splash of the shower-bath I had liberally bestowed, roused Mr. Rochester at last. Though it was now dark, I knew he was awake; because I heard him fulminating strange anathemas at finding himself lying in a pool of water....
-  Jane Eyre

... Men too often confound them: they should not be confounded: appearance should not be mistaken for truth; narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substituted for the world-redeeming creed of Christ. There is-I repeat it-a difference; and it is a good, and not a bad action to mark broadly and clearly the line of separation between them.
-  Jane Eyre

... I go into mystery instead, as cheaper and more lasting--a sort of gas which is likely to be continually supplied by the decomposition of the elephants. And if I like the look of an opinion, I treat it civilly, without suspicious inquiries....
-  Daniel Deronda

... By some writers this office is called a sinecure. But not so. Because the Lord Warden is busily employed at times in fobbing his perquisites; which are his chiefly by virtue of that same fobbing of them.
-  Moby Dick 11

More meanings and details:


: verb
1. meaning: To lay up in store; deposit for safe keeping; to stow or place; to put something somewhere.

2. meaning: To lodge, or find quarters for; provide with accommodation.

3. meaning: To dispose of.

4. meaning: To give; confer; impart gratuitously; present something to someone or something, especially as a gift or honour.
example: Medals were bestowed on the winning team.

5. meaning: To give in marriage.

6. meaning: To apply; make use of; use; employ.

7. meaning: To behave or deport.


: noun
1. meaning: A little pocket near the waistline of a pair of trousers or in a waistcoat or vest to hold a pocketwatch; a watch pocket.

2. meaning: A short chain or ribbon to connect such a pocket to the watch.

3. meaning: A small ornament attached to such a chain. (See Usage Notes below)

4. meaning: A hand-held remote control device used to lock/unlock motor cars etc.


: verb
1. meaning: To cheat, to deceive, to trick, to take in, to impose upon someone.

2. meaning: To beat; to maul.


(/bɪˈstəʊ/, /bɪˈstoʊ/): verb
1. meaning: To lay up in store; deposit for safe keeping; to stow or place; to put something somewhere.

2. meaning: To lodge, or find quarters for; provide with accommodation.

3. meaning: To dispose of.

4. meaning: To give; confer; impart gratuitously; present something to someone or something, especially as a gift or honour.
example: Medals were bestowed on the winning team.

5. meaning: To give in marriage.

6. meaning: To apply; make use of; use; employ.

7. meaning: To behave or deport.


(/bɪˈstəʊd/, /bɪˈstoʊd/): verb
1. meaning: To lay up in store; deposit for safe keeping; to stow or place; to put something somewhere.

2. meaning: To lodge, or find quarters for; provide with accommodation.

3. meaning: To dispose of.

4. meaning: To give; confer; impart gratuitously; present something to someone or something, especially as a gift or honour.
example: Medals were bestowed on the winning team.

5. meaning: To give in marriage.

6. meaning: To apply; make use of; use; employ.

7. meaning: To behave or deport.


(/fɒb/): noun
1. meaning: A little pocket near the waistline of a pair of trousers or in a waistcoat or vest to hold a pocketwatch; a watch pocket.

2. meaning: A short chain or ribbon to connect such a pocket to the watch.

3. meaning: A small ornament attached to such a chain. (See Usage Notes below)

4. meaning: A hand-held remote control device used to lock/unlock motor cars etc.


(/fɒb/): verb
1. meaning: To cheat, to deceive, to trick, to take in, to impose upon someone.

2. meaning: To beat; to maul.


(): adverb
1. meaning: Widely and openly.

2. meaning: In a wide manner; liberally; in a loose sense.


: verb
1. meaning: To cheat, to deceive, to trick, to take in, to impose upon someone.

2. meaning: To beat; to maul.


(/diːˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən/): noun
1. meaning: A biological process through which organic material is reduced to e.g. compost.

2. meaning: The act of taking something apart, e.g. for analysis.

3. meaning: The splitting (of e.g. a matrix, an atom or a compound) into constituent parts.


: verb
1. meaning: To lay up in store; deposit for safe keeping; to stow or place; to put something somewhere.

2. meaning: To lodge, or find quarters for; provide with accommodation.

3. meaning: To dispose of.

4. meaning: To give; confer; impart gratuitously; present something to someone or something, especially as a gift or honour.
example: Medals were bestowed on the winning team.

5. meaning: To give in marriage.

6. meaning: To apply; make use of; use; employ.

7. meaning: To behave or deport.

problem_type: 16/28 (loop 0/0)

Please wait ... Problem Template: _problem_irregular_plural_forms

Write plural form of the following words:
diamond, kennel, nibble, prophet

Plural forms:

kennel: kennel, kennels
nibble: nibble, nibbles
prophet: prophet, prophets
diamond: diamonds, diamond

Plural forms:

kennel: kennel, kennels
nibble: nibble, nibbles
prophet: prophet, prophets
diamond: diamonds, diamond

Number forms:

singular: diamond
plural: diamond, diamonds
plural: kennel, kennels
singular: kennel
singular: nibble
plural: nibble, nibbles
plural: prophet, prophets
singular: prophet


diamond: gem


"Here, then, I retreated and lay down happy to have found a shelter, however miserable, from the inclemency of the season, and still more from the barbarity of man. As soon as morning dawned I crept from my kennel, that I might view the adjacent cottage and discover if I could remain in the habitation I had found....
-  Frankenstein By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

About his neck hung the golden chain from which depended the diamond encrusted locket of his mother, the Lady Alice. At his back was a quiver of arrows slung from a leathern shoulder belt, another piece of loot from some vanquished black.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

... Savonarola's influence upon the young Machiavelli must have been slight, for although at one time he wielded immense power over the fortunes of Florence, he only furnished Machiavelli with a subject of a gibe in 'The Prince,' where he is cited as an example of an unarmed prophet who came to a bad end. Whereas the magnificence of the Medicean rule during the life of Lorenzo appeared to have impressed Machiavelli strongly, for he frequently recurs to it in his writings, and it is to Lorenzo's grandson that he dedicates 'The Prince....
-  The Prince

Mar 15, 2014 ... “If you are going to eat shit, don't nibble,” he says, in a phrase that should be immortalised in corporate-finance textbooks.
-  Economist

problem_type: 17/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_irregular_singular_forms

Write singular form of the following words:
crock, goods, saber, stall

Singular forms:

crock: crock
stall: stall
saber: saber
goods: Not found

Singular forms:

crock: crock
stall: stall
saber: saber
goods: Not found

Number forms:

singular: crock
plural: crock, crocks
plural: goods
singular: saber
plural noun: saber
plural: sabers
plural: stall, stalls
singular: stall


stall: booth, cubicle


Friar Tuck bridled at being so checked in his speech, nevertheless he went straightway to do Robin's bidding; so presently a great crock was brought, and wine was poured out for all the guests and for Robin Hood. Then Robin held his cup aloft....
-  The Merry Adventures Of Robin Hood

When he came to Nottingham, he entered that part of the market where butchers stood, and took up his inn[2] in the best place he could find. Next, he opened his stall and spread his meat upon the bench, then, taking his cleaver and steel and clattering them together, he trolled aloud in merry tones:
-  The Merry Adventures Of Robin Hood

'Stop a bit,' said the dragoon, placing his saber like a spit upon the two large iron dogs which held the firebrands in the chimney, 'stop a bit, I am in it....
-  The Three Musketeers

problem_type: 18/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_noun_plural_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using nouns given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.
Words: condolence, manner, store, track

Mr. Philander dropped the professor's arm, and broke into a mad orgy of speed that would have done credit to any varsity __________ team.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

Slipping in at the door he found that everything had been ransacked. His books and pencils strewed the floor. His weapons and shields and other little __________ of treasures were littered about.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

Professor Porter did not accompany the treasure-seekers on the following day, but when he saw them returning empty-handed toward noon, he hastened forward to meet them -his usual preoccupied indifference entirely vanished, and in its place a nervous and excited __________.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

... Her plans required all her time and attention, she said; she was about to depart for some unknown bourne; and all day long she stayed in her own room, her door bolted within, filling trunks, emptying drawers, burning papers, and holding no communication with any one. She wished me to look after the house, to see callers, and answer notes of __________.
-  Jane Eyre

Words: condolence, manner, store, track


Mr. Philander dropped the professor's arm, and broke into a mad orgy of speed that would have done credit to any varsity track team.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

Slipping in at the door he found that everything had been ransacked. His books and pencils strewed the floor. His weapons and shields and other little store of treasures were littered about.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

Professor Porter did not accompany the treasure-seekers on the following day, but when he saw them returning empty-handed toward noon, he hastened forward to meet them -his usual preoccupied indifference entirely vanished, and in its place a nervous and excited manner.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

... Her plans required all her time and attention, she said; she was about to depart for some unknown bourne; and all day long she stayed in her own room, her door bolted within, filling trunks, emptying drawers, burning papers, and holding no communication with any one. She wished me to look after the house, to see callers, and answer notes of condolence.
-  Jane Eyre


Mr. Philander dropped the professor's arm, and broke into a mad orgy of speed that would have done credit to any varsity track team.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

Slipping in at the door he found that everything had been ransacked. His books and pencils strewed the floor. His weapons and shields and other little store of treasures were littered about.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

Professor Porter did not accompany the treasure-seekers on the following day, but when he saw them returning empty-handed toward noon, he hastened forward to meet them -his usual preoccupied indifference entirely vanished, and in its place a nervous and excited manner.
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

... Her plans required all her time and attention, she said; she was about to depart for some unknown bourne; and all day long she stayed in her own room, her door bolted within, filling trunks, emptying drawers, burning papers, and holding no communication with any one. She wished me to look after the house, to see callers, and answer notes of condolence.
-  Jane Eyre

Singular forms:

manner: manner
store: store
condolence: condolence
track: track

Plural forms:

manner: manner, manners
store: stores, store
condolence: condolence, condolences
track: tracks, track


manner: personal manner, way of acting or behaving
store: lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away
track: lead, trail, evidence

Number forms:

plural: condolence, condolences
singular: condolence
plural: manner, manners
singular: manner
plural: store, stores
singular: store
plural: track, tracks
singular: track

problem_type: 19/28 (loop 0/0)

C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\spacy\ UserWarning: [W095] Model 'en_core_web_sm' (3.3.0) was trained with spaCy v3.3 and may not be 100% compatible with the current version (3.4.1). If you see errors or degraded performance, download a newer compatible model or retrain your custom model with the current spaCy version. For more details and available updates, run: python -m spacy validate
Problem Template: _problem_noun_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using nouns given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: mesh, bohemian, pronunciation, ed

Cautiously he intruded his hand between the __________ of the lattice until his whole arm was within the cabin. Carefully he felt upon the desk. At last he grasped the manuscript upon which Jane Porter had been writing, and as cautiously withdrew his arm and hand, holding the precious treasure....
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

...' So that Bloch evidently thought that in England not only were all the inhabitants of the male sex called 'Lord,' but the letter 'i' was invariably pronounced 'igh.' As for Saint-Loup, this mistake in __________ seemed to him all the less serious inasmuch as he saw in it pre-eminently a want of those almost 'society' notions which my new friend despised as fully as he was versed in them....
-  Within A Budding Grove

"I made it," said Joe, "my own self. I made it in a moment. It was like striking out a horseshoe complete, in a single blow. I never was so much surprised in all my life-couldn't credit my own __________-to tell you the truth, hardly believed it
-  Great Expectations

... It will be amusing to go to these eurythmic displays, and the German opera, the German theatre. It WILL be amusing to take part in German __________ life. And Loerke is an artist, he is a free individual. One will escape from so much, that is the chief thing, escape so much hideous boring repetition of vulgar actions, vulgar phrases, vulgar postures....

Words: mesh, bohemian, pronunciation, ed
Cautiously he intruded his hand between the meshes of the lattice until his whole arm was within the cabin. Carefully he felt upon the desk. At last he grasped the manuscript upon which Jane Porter had been writing, and as cautiously withdrew his arm and hand, holding the precious treasure....
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

...' So that Bloch evidently thought that in England not only were all the inhabitants of the male sex called 'Lord,' but the letter 'i' was invariably pronounced 'igh.' As for Saint-Loup, this mistake in pronunciation seemed to him all the less serious inasmuch as he saw in it pre-eminently a want of those almost 'society' notions which my new friend despised as fully as he was versed in them....
-  Within A Budding Grove

"I made it," said Joe, "my own self. I made it in a moment. It was like striking out a horseshoe complete, in a single blow. I never was so much surprised in all my life-couldn't credit my own ed-to tell you the truth, hardly believed it
-  Great Expectations

... It will be amusing to go to these eurythmic displays, and the German opera, the German theatre. It WILL be amusing to take part in German Bohemian life. And Loerke is an artist, he is a free individual. One will escape from so much, that is the chief thing, escape so much hideous boring repetition of vulgar actions, vulgar phrases, vulgar postures....

Cautiously he intruded his hand between the meshes of the lattice until his whole arm was within the cabin. Carefully he felt upon the desk. At last he grasped the manuscript upon which Jane Porter had been writing, and as cautiously withdrew his arm and hand, holding the precious treasure....
-  Tarzan Of The Apes

...' So that Bloch evidently thought that in England not only were all the inhabitants of the male sex called 'Lord,' but the letter 'i' was invariably pronounced 'igh.' As for Saint-Loup, this mistake in pronunciation seemed to him all the less serious inasmuch as he saw in it pre-eminently a want of those almost 'society' notions which my new friend despised as fully as he was versed in them....
-  Within A Budding Grove

"I made it," said Joe, "my own self. I made it in a moment. It was like striking out a horseshoe complete, in a single blow. I never was so much surprised in all my life-couldn't credit my own ed-to tell you the truth, hardly believed it
-  Great Expectations

... It will be amusing to go to these eurythmic displays, and the German opera, the German theatre. It WILL be amusing to take part in German Bohemian life. And Loerke is an artist, he is a free individual. One will escape from so much, that is the chief thing, escape so much hideous boring repetition of vulgar actions, vulgar phrases, vulgar postures....

More meanings and details:


(/pɹəˌnaʊn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/): noun
1. meaning: The formal or informal way in which a word is made to sound when spoken.
example: What is the pronunciation of "hiccough"?

2. meaning: The way in which the words of a language are made to sound when speaking.
example: His Italian pronunciation is terrible.

3. meaning: The act of pronouncing or uttering something.


: noun
1. meaning: The formal or informal way in which a word is made to sound when spoken.
example: What is the pronunciation of "hiccough"?

2. meaning: The way in which the words of a language are made to sound when speaking.
example: His Italian pronunciation is terrible.

3. meaning: The act of pronouncing or uttering something.


: verb
1. meaning: To connect together by interlocking, as gears do.

2. meaning: (by extension) To fit in; to come together harmoniously.
example: The music meshed well with the visuals in that film.

3. meaning: To catch in a mesh.


: verb: noun
1. meaning: The act by which something meshes or interlocks.
example: the meshings of gears


: verb
1. meaning: To connect together by interlocking, as gears do.

2. meaning: (by extension) To fit in; to come together harmoniously.
example: The music meshed well with the visuals in that film.

3. meaning: To catch in a mesh.


: verb: adjective
1. meaning: Having a mesh.
example: a meshed fabric used to make breathable garments

2. meaning: Mashed; brewed


(/mɛʃ/): noun
1. meaning: A structure made of connected strands of metal, fiber, or other flexible/ductile material, with evenly spaced openings between them.

2. meaning: The opening or space enclosed by the threads of a net between knot and knot, or the threads enclosing such a space.

3. meaning: The engagement of the teeth of wheels, or of a wheel and rack.

4. meaning: A measure of fineness (particle size) of ground material. A powder that passes through a sieve having 300 openings per linear inch but does not pass 400 openings per linear inch is said to be -300 +400 mesh.

5. meaning: A polygon mesh.


(/mɛʃ/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To connect together by interlocking, as gears do.

2. meaning: (by extension) To fit in; to come together harmoniously.
example: The music meshed well with the visuals in that film.

3. meaning: To catch in a mesh.


: noun
1. meaning: A structure made of connected strands of metal, fiber, or other flexible/ductile material, with evenly spaced openings between them.

2. meaning: The opening or space enclosed by the threads of a net between knot and knot, or the threads enclosing such a space.

3. meaning: The engagement of the teeth of wheels, or of a wheel and rack.

4. meaning: A measure of fineness (particle size) of ground material. A powder that passes through a sieve having 300 openings per linear inch but does not pass 400 openings per linear inch is said to be -300 +400 mesh.

5. meaning: A polygon mesh.


: noun: verb
1. meaning: To connect together by interlocking, as gears do.

2. meaning: (by extension) To fit in; to come together harmoniously.
example: The music meshed well with the visuals in that film.

3. meaning: To catch in a mesh.


(/ɛd/): noun
1. meaning: Education. Often used in set phrases such as phys ed, driver's ed, special ed, etc.


(/ɛd/): noun: noun
1. meaning: Edition

2. meaning: Editor

3. meaning: Education (uncountable)


(/boʊˈhimi.ən/): noun
1. meaning: An unconventional or nonconformist artist or writer.


(/boʊˈhimi.ən/): noun: adjective
1. meaning: Unconventional, especially in habit or dress.


: noun
1. meaning: An unconventional or nonconformist artist or writer.

problem_type: 20/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_pronoun_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using pronouns given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: there, yo, somebody, they, ours, theirs

'He's drowned with the rest on 'em, last night,' said the old Manx sailor standing behind __________; 'I heard; all of ye heard their spirits.'
-  Moby Dick 11

Are you a believer in ghosts, my friend? __________ are other ghosts than the Cock-Lane one, and far deeper men than Doctor Johnson who believe in __________.
-  Moby Dick 11

... __________; before I saw it off, now, I must call his old Mogulship, and see whether the length will be all right; too short, if anything, I guess. Ha! that's the heel; we are in luck; here he comes, or it's __________ else, that's certain.
-  Moby Dick 11

"Mighty few-an' DEY ain't no use to a body. What you want to know when good luck's a-comin' for? Want to keep it off?" And he said: "Ef you's got hairy arms en a hairy breas', it's a sign dat you's agwyne to be rich....

Words: there, yo, somebody, they, ours, theirs
'He's drowned with the rest on 'em, last night,' said the old Manx sailor standing behind them; 'I heard; all of ye heard their spirits.'
-  Moby Dick 11

Are you a believer in ghosts, my friend? There are other ghosts than the Cock-Lane one, and far deeper men than Doctor Johnson who believe in them.
-  Moby Dick 11

... There; before I saw it off, now, I must call his old Mogulship, and see whether the length will be all right; too short, if anything, I guess. Ha! that's the heel; we are in luck; here he comes, or it's somebody else, that's certain.
-  Moby Dick 11

"Mighty few-an' DEY ain't no use to a body. What you want to know when good luck's a-comin' for? Want to keep it off?" And he said: "Ef you's got hairy arms en a hairy breas', it's a sign dat you's agwyne to be rich....

'He's drowned with the rest on 'em, last night,' said the old Manx sailor standing behind them; 'I heard; all of ye heard their spirits.'
-  Moby Dick 11

Are you a believer in ghosts, my friend? There are other ghosts than the Cock-Lane one, and far deeper men than Doctor Johnson who believe in them.
-  Moby Dick 11

... There; before I saw it off, now, I must call his old Mogulship, and see whether the length will be all right; too short, if anything, I guess. Ha! that's the heel; we are in luck; here he comes, or it's somebody else, that's certain.
-  Moby Dick 11

"Mighty few-an' DEY ain't no use to a body. What you want to know when good luck's a-comin' for? Want to keep it off?" And he said: "Ef you's got hairy arms en a hairy breas', it's a sign dat you's agwyne to be rich....

More meanings and details:


(/ðeː(ɹ)/, /ðɛə(ɹ)/, /ðɛəɹ/): noun
1. meaning: That place.

2. meaning: That status; that position.
example: You rinse and de-string the green beans; I'll take it from there.


(/ðeː(ɹ)/, /ðɛə(ɹ)/, /ðɛəɹ/): noun: adverb
1. meaning: (location) In a place or location (stated, implied or otherwise indicated) at some distance from the speaker (compare here).

2. meaning: In that matter, relation, etc.; at that point, stage, etc., regarded as a distinct place.
example: He did not stop there, but continued his speech.

3. meaning: (location) To or into that place; thither.

4. meaning: Where, there where, in which place.

5. meaning: In existence or in this world; see pronoun section below.


(/ðeː(ɹ)/, /ðɛə(ɹ)/, /ðɛəɹ/): noun: adverb: pronoun
1. meaning: Used as an expletive subject of be in its sense of “exist”, with the semantic, usually indefinite subject being postponed or (occasionally) implied.
example: Is there an answer? [=Does an answer exist?]

2. meaning: Used with other intransitive verbs of existence, in the same sense, or with other intransitive verbs, adding a sense of existence.
example: If x is a positive number, then there exists [=there is] a positive number y less than x.

3. meaning: Used with other verbs, when raised.
example: I expected there to be a simpler solution. [=I expected that there would be a simpler solution.]

4. meaning: (in combination with certain prepositions, no longer productive) That.
example: therefor, thereat, thereunder

5. meaning: Used to replace an unknown name, principally in greetings and farewells
example: Hi there, young fellow.


(/ðeː(ɹ)/, /ðɛə(ɹ)/, /ðɛəɹ/): noun: adverb: pronoun: interjection
1. meaning: Used to offer encouragement or sympathy.
example: There, there. Everything is going to turn out all right.

2. meaning: Used to express victory or completion.
example: There! That knot should hold.


(/ˈsʌmbədɪ/, /ˈsʌmbɑdi/): noun
1. meaning: A recognised or important person, a celebrity.
example: I'm tired of being a nobody – I want to be a somebody.


(/ˈsʌmbədɪ/, /ˈsʌmbɑdi/): noun: pronoun
1. meaning: Some unspecified person.
example: Somebody has to clean this mess up.


(/ðɛəz/, /ðɛɚz/): pronoun
1. meaning: That which belongs to them; the possessive case of they, used without a following noun.


(/ðəmˈsɛlvz/): pronoun
1. meaning: The reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun. The group of people, animals or objects previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition (also used for emphasis).
example: They are going to try climbing Mount Everest themselves.

2. meaning: The reflexive case of they, the third-person singular personal pronoun. The single person previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition (also used for emphasis).
example: Everyone must do it themselves.


(, /ðʌm/): pronoun
1. meaning: (plural) Those ones.

2. meaning: (singular) Him, her, or it; that one.


(, /jəʊ/, /joʊ/): interjection
1. meaning: A greeting similar to hi.
example: Yo Paulie! How's it going?
synonyms: oi, wotcher

2. meaning: An interjection similar to hey.
example: Yo, check this out!
synonyms: ahoy, oi

3. meaning: Present! Here!


(, /jəʊ/, /joʊ/): pronoun
1. meaning: (Baltimore) third-person singular, familiar
example: Yo was tuckin' in his shirt! (Stotko and Troyer 2007)


(, /jəʊ/, /joʊ/): noun
1. meaning: Abbreviation of year/years old.


(, /jəʊ/, /joʊ/): noun
1. meaning: The letter Ё, ё.


(, /jəʊ/, /joʊ/): numeral
1. meaning: Short for yoleven.


(/ɑːz/, /ɑɹz/): pronoun
1. meaning: That which belongs to us; the possessive case of we, used without a following noun.


(/ðeɪ/, /ðeɪ/): pronoun
1. meaning: (the third-person plural) A group of people, animals, plants or objects previously mentioned.
example: Dogs may bark if they want to be fed.

2. meaning: (the third-person singular, sometimes proscribed) A single person, previously mentioned, especially if of unknown or non-binary gender, but typically not if previously named and identified as male or female.
example: They requested a seat at Friday's performance but didn't say if they preferred the balcony or the floor.

3. meaning: (indefinite pronoun, vague meaning) People; some people; people in general; someone, excluding the speaker.
example: Ha, you believe the moon is real? That's just what they want you to think.


(/ðeɪ/, /ðeɪ/): pronoun
1. meaning: There (especially as an expletive subject of be).


(/jɔː(ɹ)z/, /jɔɹz/): pronoun
1. meaning: That which belongs to you (singular); the possessive second-person singular pronoun used without a following noun.
example: If this edit is mine, the other must be yours.  Their encyclopedia is good, but yours is even better.  It’s all yours.

2. meaning: That which belongs to you (plural); the possessive second-person plural pronoun used without a following noun.

3. meaning: Written at the end of a letter, before the signature.
example: Yours sincerely,  Yours faithfully,  Yours,  Sincerely yours,

problem_type: 21/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_adjective_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using adjectives given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: preternatural, exhaustive, spongy, businesslike

... Though she had invented it herself, she believed in it firmly by this time. She was struck too by the __________, dry and even contemptuously menacing tone of Peter Petrovich. All the clamor gradually died away when he came in....
-  Crime And Punishment

"I happened yesterday in passing to exchange a couple of words with Katerina Ivanovna, poor woman. It was enough to enable me to realize that she is in a-__________ position, if it can expressed like that."
-  Crime And Punishment

As for my mother, perhaps the Ambassador had not the type of mind towards which she felt herself most attracted. I should add that his conversation furnished so __________ a glossary of the superannuated forms of speech peculiar to a certain profession, class and period-a period which, for that profession and that class, might be said not to have altogether passed away-that I sometimes regret that I have not kept any literal record simply of the things that I have heard him say....
-  Within A Budding Grove

We made so many deviations up and down lanes, and were such a long time delivering a bedstead at a public-house, and calling at other places, that I was quite tired, and very glad, when we saw Yarmouth. It looked rather __________ and soppy, I thought, as I carried my eye over the great dull waste that lay across the river, and I could not help wondering, if the world were really as round as my geography book said, how any part of it came to be so flat....
-  David Copperfield

Words: preternatural, exhaustive, spongy, businesslike
... Though she had invented it herself, she believed in it firmly by this time. She was struck too by the businesslike, dry and even contemptuously menacing tone of Peter Petrovich. All the clamor gradually died away when he came in....
-  Crime And Punishment

"I happened yesterday in passing to exchange a couple of words with Katerina Ivanovna, poor woman. It was enough to enable me to realize that she is in a-preternatural position, if it can expressed like that."
-  Crime And Punishment

As for my mother, perhaps the Ambassador had not the type of mind towards which she felt herself most attracted. I should add that his conversation furnished so exhaustive a glossary of the superannuated forms of speech peculiar to a certain profession, class and period-a period which, for that profession and that class, might be said not to have altogether passed away-that I sometimes regret that I have not kept any literal record simply of the things that I have heard him say....
-  Within A Budding Grove

We made so many deviations up and down lanes, and were such a long time delivering a bedstead at a public-house, and calling at other places, that I was quite tired, and very glad, when we saw Yarmouth. It looked rather spongy and soppy, I thought, as I carried my eye over the great dull waste that lay across the river, and I could not help wondering, if the world were really as round as my geography book said, how any part of it came to be so flat....
-  David Copperfield

... Though she had invented it herself, she believed in it firmly by this time. She was struck too by the businesslike, dry and even contemptuously menacing tone of Peter Petrovich. All the clamor gradually died away when he came in....
-  Crime And Punishment

"I happened yesterday in passing to exchange a couple of words with Katerina Ivanovna, poor woman. It was enough to enable me to realize that she is in a-preternatural position, if it can expressed like that."
-  Crime And Punishment

As for my mother, perhaps the Ambassador had not the type of mind towards which she felt herself most attracted. I should add that his conversation furnished so exhaustive a glossary of the superannuated forms of speech peculiar to a certain profession, class and period-a period which, for that profession and that class, might be said not to have altogether passed away-that I sometimes regret that I have not kept any literal record simply of the things that I have heard him say....
-  Within A Budding Grove

We made so many deviations up and down lanes, and were such a long time delivering a bedstead at a public-house, and calling at other places, that I was quite tired, and very glad, when we saw Yarmouth. It looked rather spongy and soppy, I thought, as I carried my eye over the great dull waste that lay across the river, and I could not help wondering, if the world were really as round as my geography book said, how any part of it came to be so flat....
-  David Copperfield

More meanings and details:


(/ˌpɹiː.təˈnæt͡ʃ.(ə)ɹ.əl/, /ˌpɹi.tɚˈnæt͡ʃ.(ə)ɹ.əl/): adjective
1. meaning: Beyond or not conforming to what is natural or according to the regular course of things; strange.
synonyms: abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, inexplicable, uncanny

2. meaning: Having an existence outside of the natural world.
synonyms: paranormal, supernatural, unnatural


(/ɛɡˈzɔː.stɪv/, /ɛɡˈzɑ.stɪv/): adjective
1. meaning: Including every possible element
example: We made an exhaustive list.
synonyms: all-encompassing, thorough

2. meaning: Fully comprehensive

3. meaning: Causing exhaustion; very tiring
synonyms: tiring, weariful


: adjective
1. meaning: Having the characteristics of a sponge, namely being absorbent, squishy or porous.
example: spongy earth; spongy cake; spongy bones

2. meaning: Wet; drenched; soaked and soft, like sponge; rainy.

3. meaning: Drunk.


: adjective
1. meaning: Methodical and efficient, in a way that would be advantageous to a business or businessperson.

2. meaning: Earnest and practical without being distracted or enthusiastic.


(/ˈspʌndʒi/): adjective
1. meaning: Having the characteristics of a sponge, namely being absorbent, squishy or porous.
example: spongy earth; spongy cake; spongy bones

2. meaning: Wet; drenched; soaked and soft, like sponge; rainy.

3. meaning: Drunk.


: adjective
1. meaning: Having the characteristics of a sponge, namely being absorbent, squishy or porous.
example: spongy earth; spongy cake; spongy bones

2. meaning: Wet; drenched; soaked and soft, like sponge; rainy.

3. meaning: Drunk.

problem_type: 22/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_verb_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using verbs given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: summon, scout, toke, conjure

... There, by a white-faced Aunt Polly and a weeping Nancy she was undressed tenderly and put to bed, while from the village, hastily __________ by telephone, Dr. Warren was hurrying as fast as another motor car could bring him.
-  Pollyanna

Her mind __________ up before her the vision of what was, perhaps at this very moment, passing downstairs. The half-deserted dining-room, the fateful hour-Chauvelin on the watch!...
-  The Scarlet Pimpernel

... She was glad to be able to own and feel how warmly and gratefully she regarded him-and as for the idea of being jealous of Glorvina (Glorvina, indeed!), Amelia would have __________ it, if an angel from heaven had hinted it to her. That night, when Georgy came back in the pony-carriage in which he rejoiced, and in which he was driven by Sir Wm....
-  VanityFair

'Yesterday afternoon Sarah was standing on the poop throwing bits o' __________ to the gulls, and I saw her a-looking at me very hard. At last she came down as near the barricade as she dared, and throwed crumbs and such like up in the air over the side....

Words: summon, scout, toke, conjure
... There, by a white-faced Aunt Polly and a weeping Nancy she was undressed tenderly and put to bed, while from the village, hastily summoned by telephone, Dr. Warren was hurrying as fast as another motor car could bring him.
-  Pollyanna

Her mind conjured up before her the vision of what was, perhaps at this very moment, passing downstairs. The half-deserted dining-room, the fateful hour-Chauvelin on the watch!...
-  The Scarlet Pimpernel

... She was glad to be able to own and feel how warmly and gratefully she regarded him-and as for the idea of being jealous of Glorvina (Glorvina, indeed!), Amelia would have scouted it, if an angel from heaven had hinted it to her. That night, when Georgy came back in the pony-carriage in which he rejoiced, and in which he was driven by Sir Wm....
-  VanityFair

'Yesterday afternoon Sarah was standing on the poop throwing bits o' toke to the gulls, and I saw her a-looking at me very hard. At last she came down as near the barricade as she dared, and throwed crumbs and such like up in the air over the side....

... There, by a white-faced Aunt Polly and a weeping Nancy she was undressed tenderly and put to bed, while from the village, hastily summoned by telephone, Dr. Warren was hurrying as fast as another motor car could bring him.
-  Pollyanna

Her mind conjured up before her the vision of what was, perhaps at this very moment, passing downstairs. The half-deserted dining-room, the fateful hour-Chauvelin on the watch!...
-  The Scarlet Pimpernel

... She was glad to be able to own and feel how warmly and gratefully she regarded him-and as for the idea of being jealous of Glorvina (Glorvina, indeed!), Amelia would have scouted it, if an angel from heaven had hinted it to her. That night, when Georgy came back in the pony-carriage in which he rejoiced, and in which he was driven by Sir Wm....
-  VanityFair

'Yesterday afternoon Sarah was standing on the poop throwing bits o' toke to the gulls, and I saw her a-looking at me very hard. At last she came down as near the barricade as she dared, and throwed crumbs and such like up in the air over the side....

More meanings and details:


(/skaʊts/): noun
1. meaning: A person sent out to gain and bring in tidings; especially, one employed in war to gain information about the enemy and ground.

2. meaning: An act of scouting or reconnoitering.

3. meaning: A member of any number of youth organizations belonging to the international scout movement, such as the Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of the United States.

4. meaning: A person who assesses and/or recruits others; especially, one who identifies promising talent on behalf of a sports team.

5. meaning: A college servant (in Oxford, England or Yale or Harvard), originally implying a male servant, attending to (usually several) students or undergraduates in a variety of ways that includes cleaning; corresponding to the duties of a gyp or possibly bedder at Cambridge University; and at Dublin, a skip.

6. meaning: A fielder in a game for practice.

7. meaning: (up until 1920s) A fighter aircraft.

8. meaning: Term of address for a man or boy.


(/skaʊts/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To explore a wide terrain, as if on a search; to reconnoiter.

2. meaning: To observe, watch, or look for, as a scout; to follow for the purpose of observation, as a scout.


(/skaʊts/): noun: verb: verb
1. meaning: To reject with contempt.
example: to scout an idea or an apology

2. meaning: To scoff.


(/skaʊts/): noun: verb: verb: noun
1. meaning: A swift sailing boat.


(/skaʊts/): noun: verb: verb: noun: noun
1. meaning: A projecting rock.


(/skaʊts/): noun: verb: verb: noun: noun: noun
1. meaning: The guillemot.


(/skaʊts/): noun: verb: verb: noun: noun: noun: verb
1. meaning: To pour forth a liquid forcibly, especially excrement.


: verb
1. meaning: To give a gratuity to.
example: You have to toke the maitre d’ at least $50 if you want a really good table.


: verb: verb
1. meaning: To smoke marijuana.

2. meaning: To inhale a puff of marijuana


: verb
1. meaning: To give a gratuity to.
example: You have to toke the maitre d’ at least $50 if you want a really good table.


: verb: verb
1. meaning: To smoke marijuana.

2. meaning: To inhale a puff of marijuana


(/ˈsʌmən/): noun
1. meaning: Call, command, order


(/ˈsʌmən/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To call people together; to convene.

2. meaning: To ask someone to come; to send for.

3. meaning: To order (goods) and have delivered

4. meaning: To rouse oneself to exert a skill.
synonyms: muster, muster up, summon up

5. meaning: To call a resource by magic.

6. meaning: To summons; convene.


(, /təʊk/, /toʊk/): noun
1. meaning: (casinos) A gratuity.
example: I gave the maitre d’ a $10 toke and he just laughed.


(, /təʊk/, /toʊk/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To give a gratuity to.
example: You have to toke the maitre d’ at least $50 if you want a really good table.


(, /təʊk/, /toʊk/): noun
1. meaning: A puff of marijuana.


(, /təʊk/, /toʊk/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To smoke marijuana.

2. meaning: To inhale a puff of marijuana


(, /təʊk/, /toʊk/): noun
1. meaning: A piece of bread.


: verb
1. meaning: To perform magic tricks.
example: He started conjuring at the age of 15, and is now a famous stage magician.

2. meaning: To summon (a devil, etc.) using supernatural power.

3. meaning: To practice black magic.

4. meaning: To enchant or bewitch.

5. meaning: To evoke.

6. meaning: To imagine or picture in the mind.
synonyms: envisage, imagine, picture, visualize

7. meaning: To make an urgent request to; to appeal to or beseech.

8. meaning: To conspire or plot.


: verb
1. meaning: To perform magic tricks.
example: He started conjuring at the age of 15, and is now a famous stage magician.

2. meaning: To summon (a devil, etc.) using supernatural power.

3. meaning: To practice black magic.

4. meaning: To enchant or bewitch.

5. meaning: To evoke.

6. meaning: To imagine or picture in the mind.
synonyms: envisage, imagine, picture, visualize

7. meaning: To make an urgent request to; to appeal to or beseech.

8. meaning: To conspire or plot.


: noun
1. meaning: (casinos) A gratuity.
example: I gave the maitre d’ a $10 toke and he just laughed.


: noun: noun
1. meaning: A puff of marijuana.


: noun: noun: noun
1. meaning: A piece of bread.


: verb
1. meaning: To explore a wide terrain, as if on a search; to reconnoiter.

2. meaning: To observe, watch, or look for, as a scout; to follow for the purpose of observation, as a scout.


: verb: verb
1. meaning: To reject with contempt.
example: to scout an idea or an apology

2. meaning: To scoff.


: verb: verb: verb
1. meaning: To pour forth a liquid forcibly, especially excrement.


(/ˈskaʊtɪŋ/, /ˈskaʊtɪŋ/): noun
1. meaning: The act of one who scouts.

2. meaning: The Scout Movement.

3. meaning: The activities of boy scouts and girl scouts.


(/ˈsʌ.mənz/): noun
1. meaning: A call to do something, especially to come.

2. meaning: A notice summoning someone to appear in court, as a defendant, juror or witness.

3. meaning: A demand for surrender.


(/ˈsʌ.mənz/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To serve someone with a summons.


(/ˈsʌ.mənz/): verb
1. meaning: To call people together; to convene.

2. meaning: To ask someone to come; to send for.

3. meaning: To order (goods) and have delivered

4. meaning: To rouse oneself to exert a skill.
synonyms: muster, muster up, summon up

5. meaning: To call a resource by magic.

6. meaning: To summons; convene.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): noun
1. meaning: A person sent out to gain and bring in tidings; especially, one employed in war to gain information about the enemy and ground.

2. meaning: An act of scouting or reconnoitering.

3. meaning: A member of any number of youth organizations belonging to the international scout movement, such as the Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of the United States.

4. meaning: A person who assesses and/or recruits others; especially, one who identifies promising talent on behalf of a sports team.

5. meaning: A college servant (in Oxford, England or Yale or Harvard), originally implying a male servant, attending to (usually several) students or undergraduates in a variety of ways that includes cleaning; corresponding to the duties of a gyp or possibly bedder at Cambridge University; and at Dublin, a skip.

6. meaning: A fielder in a game for practice.

7. meaning: (up until 1920s) A fighter aircraft.

8. meaning: Term of address for a man or boy.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To explore a wide terrain, as if on a search; to reconnoiter.

2. meaning: To observe, watch, or look for, as a scout; to follow for the purpose of observation, as a scout.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): verb
1. meaning: To reject with contempt.
example: to scout an idea or an apology

2. meaning: To scoff.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): noun
1. meaning: A swift sailing boat.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): noun
1. meaning: A projecting rock.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): noun
1. meaning: The guillemot.


(, [skʌʊt], /skaʊt/, /skaʊt/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To pour forth a liquid forcibly, especially excrement.


: verb
1. meaning: To perform magic tricks.
example: He started conjuring at the age of 15, and is now a famous stage magician.

2. meaning: To summon (a devil, etc.) using supernatural power.

3. meaning: To practice black magic.

4. meaning: To enchant or bewitch.

5. meaning: To evoke.

6. meaning: To imagine or picture in the mind.
synonyms: envisage, imagine, picture, visualize

7. meaning: To make an urgent request to; to appeal to or beseech.

8. meaning: To conspire or plot.


: verb: noun
1. meaning: (gerund of conjure) An act in which something is conjured


: verb
1. meaning: To call people together; to convene.

2. meaning: To ask someone to come; to send for.

3. meaning: To order (goods) and have delivered

4. meaning: To rouse oneself to exert a skill.
synonyms: muster, muster up, summon up

5. meaning: To call a resource by magic.

6. meaning: To summons; convene.


: verb: noun
1. meaning: The act by which somebody is summoned.
example: spirit summonings


(/kənˈd͡ʒʊə(ɹ)/, /ˈkɑnd͡ʒəɹ/): noun
1. meaning: The practice of magic; hoodoo; conjuration.


(/kənˈd͡ʒʊə(ɹ)/, /ˈkɑnd͡ʒəɹ/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To perform magic tricks.
example: He started conjuring at the age of 15, and is now a famous stage magician.

2. meaning: To summon (a devil, etc.) using supernatural power.

3. meaning: To practice black magic.

4. meaning: To enchant or bewitch.

5. meaning: To evoke.

6. meaning: To imagine or picture in the mind.
synonyms: envisage, imagine, picture, visualize

7. meaning: To make an urgent request to; to appeal to or beseech.

8. meaning: To conspire or plot.


(/ˈsʌmənd/): verb
1. meaning: To call people together; to convene.

2. meaning: To ask someone to come; to send for.

3. meaning: To order (goods) and have delivered

4. meaning: To rouse oneself to exert a skill.
synonyms: muster, muster up, summon up

5. meaning: To call a resource by magic.

6. meaning: To summons; convene.

problem_type: 23/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_adverb_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using adverbs given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: overt, farcical, prompt, irresistible

...' If I had fallen seriously ill, if I had been captured by brigands, convinced that my father's understanding with the supreme powers was too complete, that his letters of introduction to the Almighty were too __________ for my illness or captivity to turn out anything but vain illusions, in which there was no danger actually threatening me, I should have awaited with perfect composure the inevitable hour of my return to comfortable realities, of my deliverance from bondage or restoration to health....

...' He had, certainly, no idea of being jealous of Odette, but did not feel quite so happy as usual, and when Brichot, having begun to tell them the story of Blanche of Castile's mother, who, according to him, 'had been with Henry Planta-genet for years before they were married,' tried to __________ Swann to beg him to continue the story, by interjecting 'Isn't that so, M. Swann?' in the martial accents which one uses in order to get down to the level of an unintelligent rustic or to put the 'fear of God' into a trooper, Swann cut his story short, to the intense fury of their hostess, by begging to be excused for taking so little interest in Blanche of Castile, as he had something that he wished to ask the painter....

"We gave her her letters (I heard the men in that lonely ship were dying of fever at the rate of three a day) and went on. We called at some more places with __________ names, where the merry dance of death and trade goes on in a still and earthy atmosphere as of an overheated catacomb; all along the formless coast bordered by dangerous surf, as if Nature herself had tried to ward off intruders; in and out of rivers, streams of death in life, whose banks were rotting into mud, whose waters, thickened into slime, invaded the contorted mangroves, that seemed to writhe at us in the extremity of an impotent despair....

single alehouse at this end of the long and broken village, could only boast of an off-licence; hence, as nobody could legally drink on the premises, the amount of __________ accommodation for consumers was strictly limited to a little board about six inches wide and two yards long, fixed to the garden palings by pieces of wire, so as to form a ledge....

Words: overt, farcical, prompt, irresistible
...' If I had fallen seriously ill, if I had been captured by brigands, convinced that my father's understanding with the supreme powers was too complete, that his letters of introduction to the Almighty were too irresistible for my illness or captivity to turn out anything but vain illusions, in which there was no danger actually threatening me, I should have awaited with perfect composure the inevitable hour of my return to comfortable realities, of my deliverance from bondage or restoration to health....

...' He had, certainly, no idea of being jealous of Odette, but did not feel quite so happy as usual, and when Brichot, having begun to tell them the story of Blanche of Castile's mother, who, according to him, 'had been with Henry Planta-genet for years before they were married,' tried to prompt Swann to beg him to continue the story, by interjecting 'Isn't that so, M. Swann?' in the martial accents which one uses in order to get down to the level of an unintelligent rustic or to put the 'fear of God' into a trooper, Swann cut his story short, to the intense fury of their hostess, by begging to be excused for taking so little interest in Blanche of Castile, as he had something that he wished to ask the painter....

"We gave her her letters (I heard the men in that lonely ship were dying of fever at the rate of three a day) and went on. We called at some more places with farcical names, where the merry dance of death and trade goes on in a still and earthy atmosphere as of an overheated catacomb; all along the formless coast bordered by dangerous surf, as if Nature herself had tried to ward off intruders; in and out of rivers, streams of death in life, whose banks were rotting into mud, whose waters, thickened into slime, invaded the contorted mangroves, that seemed to writhe at us in the extremity of an impotent despair....

single alehouse at this end of the long and broken village, could only boast of an off-licence; hence, as nobody could legally drink on the premises, the amount of overt accommodation for consumers was strictly limited to a little board about six inches wide and two yards long, fixed to the garden palings by pieces of wire, so as to form a ledge....

...' If I had fallen seriously ill, if I had been captured by brigands, convinced that my father's understanding with the supreme powers was too complete, that his letters of introduction to the Almighty were too irresistible for my illness or captivity to turn out anything but vain illusions, in which there was no danger actually threatening me, I should have awaited with perfect composure the inevitable hour of my return to comfortable realities, of my deliverance from bondage or restoration to health....

...' He had, certainly, no idea of being jealous of Odette, but did not feel quite so happy as usual, and when Brichot, having begun to tell them the story of Blanche of Castile's mother, who, according to him, 'had been with Henry Planta-genet for years before they were married,' tried to prompt Swann to beg him to continue the story, by interjecting 'Isn't that so, M. Swann?' in the martial accents which one uses in order to get down to the level of an unintelligent rustic or to put the 'fear of God' into a trooper, Swann cut his story short, to the intense fury of their hostess, by begging to be excused for taking so little interest in Blanche of Castile, as he had something that he wished to ask the painter....

"We gave her her letters (I heard the men in that lonely ship were dying of fever at the rate of three a day) and went on. We called at some more places with farcical names, where the merry dance of death and trade goes on in a still and earthy atmosphere as of an overheated catacomb; all along the formless coast bordered by dangerous surf, as if Nature herself had tried to ward off intruders; in and out of rivers, streams of death in life, whose banks were rotting into mud, whose waters, thickened into slime, invaded the contorted mangroves, that seemed to writhe at us in the extremity of an impotent despair....

single alehouse at this end of the long and broken village, could only boast of an off-licence; hence, as nobody could legally drink on the premises, the amount of overt accommodation for consumers was strictly limited to a little board about six inches wide and two yards long, fixed to the garden palings by pieces of wire, so as to form a ledge....


overt: Open, public, and observable

More meanings and details:


(/ˈpɹɒmptɪd/, /ˈpɹɑmptɪd/): verb
1. meaning: To lead (someone) toward what they should say or do.
example: I prompted him to get a new job.

2. meaning: To show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing.
example: If he forgets his words I will prompt him.

3. meaning: To initiate; to cause or lead to.


: noun
1. meaning: A reminder or cue.

2. meaning: A time limit given for payment of an account for produce purchased, this limit varying with different goods.

3. meaning: A sequence of characters that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive input.
example: I filled in my name where the prompt appeared on the computer screen but my account wasn't recognized.

4. meaning: (writing) A suggestion for inspiration given to an author.


: noun: verb
1. meaning: To lead (someone) toward what they should say or do.
example: I prompted him to get a new job.

2. meaning: To show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing.
example: If he forgets his words I will prompt him.

3. meaning: To initiate; to cause or lead to.


(/ˌɪɹɪˈzɪstəbl̩/): adjective
1. meaning: Impossile to resist.

2. meaning: Compellingly attractive.


: adjective
1. meaning: Resembling a farce; ludicrous; absurd.


: verb
1. meaning: To lead (someone) toward what they should say or do.
example: I prompted him to get a new job.

2. meaning: To show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing.
example: If he forgets his words I will prompt him.

3. meaning: To initiate; to cause or lead to.


: verb: noun
1. meaning: The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.


(/ə(ʊ)ˈvɜːt/, /oʊˈvɚt/): adjective
1. meaning: Open and not concealed or secret.
synonyms: manifest, open, patent, plain, unconcealed
antonyms: covert, hidden, nonovert


(/pɹɒmpt/, /pɹɑmpt/): noun
1. meaning: A reminder or cue.

2. meaning: A time limit given for payment of an account for produce purchased, this limit varying with different goods.

3. meaning: A sequence of characters that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive input.
example: I filled in my name where the prompt appeared on the computer screen but my account wasn't recognized.

4. meaning: (writing) A suggestion for inspiration given to an author.


(/pɹɒmpt/, /pɹɑmpt/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To lead (someone) toward what they should say or do.
example: I prompted him to get a new job.

2. meaning: To show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing.
example: If he forgets his words I will prompt him.

3. meaning: To initiate; to cause or lead to.


(/pɹɒmpt/, /pɹɑmpt/): noun: verb: adjective
1. meaning: Quick; acting without delay.
example: He was very prompt at getting a new job.

2. meaning: On time; punctual.
example: Be prompt for your appointment.

3. meaning: Ready; willing to act.

problem_type: 24/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_preposition_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using prepositions given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: re, o, inside, due

"This is an exact inventory of what we found about the body of the man-mountain, who used us with great civility, and __________ respect to your majesty's commission. Signed and sealed on the fourth day of the eighty-ninth moon of your majesty's auspicious reign....

It would not be proper, for some reasons, to trouble the reader with the particulars of our adventures in those seas; let it suffice to inform him, that in our passage from thence to the East Indies, we were driven by a violent storm to the north-west of Van Diemen's Land....

... I made what haste I could to the shore, and, getting into my canoe, shoved off: the savages, observing me retreat, ran after me: and before I could get far enough into the sea, discharged an arrow which wounded me deeply on the __________ of my left knee: I shall carry the mark to my grave. I apprehended the arrow might be poisoned, and paddling out of the reach of their darts (being a calm day), I made a shift to suck the wound, and dress it as well as I could....

"Come at once! They'__________ taking Boxer away!" Without waiting for orders from the pig, the animals broke off work and raced back to the farm buildings....

Words: re, o, inside, due
"This is an exact inventory of what we found about the body of the man-mountain, who used us with great civility, and due respect to your majesty's commission. Signed and sealed on the fourth day of the eighty-ninth moon of your majesty's auspicious reign....

It would not be proper, for some reasons, to trouble the reader with the particulars of our adventures in those seas; let it suffice to inform him, that in our passage from thence to the East Indies, we were driven by a violent storm to the north-west of Van Diemen's Land....

... I made what haste I could to the shore, and, getting into my canoe, shoved off: the savages, observing me retreat, ran after me: and before I could get far enough into the sea, discharged an arrow which wounded me deeply on the inside of my left knee: I shall carry the mark to my grave. I apprehended the arrow might be poisoned, and paddling out of the reach of their darts (being a calm day), I made a shift to suck the wound, and dress it as well as I could....

"Come at once! They're taking Boxer away!" Without waiting for orders from the pig, the animals broke off work and raced back to the farm buildings....

"This is an exact inventory of what we found about the body of the man-mountain, who used us with great civility, and due respect to your majesty's commission. Signed and sealed on the fourth day of the eighty-ninth moon of your majesty's auspicious reign....

It would not be proper, for some reasons, to trouble the reader with the particulars of our adventures in those seas; let it suffice to inform him, that in our passage from thence to the East Indies, we were driven by a violent storm to the north-west of Van Diemen's Land....

... I made what haste I could to the shore, and, getting into my canoe, shoved off: the savages, observing me retreat, ran after me: and before I could get far enough into the sea, discharged an arrow which wounded me deeply on the inside of my left knee: I shall carry the mark to my grave. I apprehended the arrow might be poisoned, and paddling out of the reach of their darts (being a calm day), I made a shift to suck the wound, and dress it as well as I could....

"Come at once! They're taking Boxer away!" Without waiting for orders from the pig, the animals broke off work and raced back to the farm buildings....


inside: interior
due: owed

More meanings and details:


(/ɪnˈsaɪd/): noun
1. meaning: The interior or inner part.
example: The inside of the building has been extensively restored.

2. meaning: The left-hand side of a road if one drives on the left, or right-hand side if one drives on the right.
example: On a motorway, you should never pass another vehicle on the inside.

3. meaning: The side of a curved road, racetrack etc. that has the shorter arc length; the side of a racetrack nearer the interior of the course or some other point of reference.
example: The car in front drifted wide on the bend, so I darted up the inside to take the lead.

4. meaning: (in the plural) The interior organs of the body, especially the guts.
example: Eating that stuff will damage your insides.

5. meaning: A passenger within a coach or carriage, as distinguished from one upon the outside.


(/ɪnˈsaɪd/): noun: adjective
1. meaning: Of or pertaining to the inner surface, limit or boundary.
example: The inside surface of the cup is unpainted.

2. meaning: Nearer to the interior or centre of something.
example: All the window seats were occupied, so she took an inside seat.

3. meaning: Originating from, arranged by, or being someone inside an organisation.
example: The reporter had received inside information about the forthcoming takeover.

4. meaning: (of a person) Legally married to or related to (e.g. born in wedlock to), and/or residing with, a specified other person (parent, child, or partner); (of a marriage, relationship, etc) existing between two such people.
antonyms: outside

5. meaning: (of a pitch) Toward the batter as it crosses home plate.
example: The first pitch is ... just a bit inside.

6. meaning: At or towards or the left-hand side of the road if one drives on the left, or right-hand side if one drives on the right.
example: the inside lane of the motorway


(/ɪnˈsaɪd/): noun: adjective: adverb
1. meaning: Within or towards the interior of something; within the scope or limits of something (a place), especially a building.
example: It started raining, so I went inside.

2. meaning: Indoors.
example: It was snowing, so the children stayed inside.

3. meaning: Intimately, secretly; without expressing what one is feeling or thinking.
example: Are you laughing at us inside?


(/ɪnˈsaɪd/): noun: adjective: adverb: preposition
1. meaning: Within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference.
example: He placed the letter inside the envelope.

2. meaning: Within a period of time.
example: The job was finished inside two weeks.


: noun
1. meaning: The interior or inner part.
example: The inside of the building has been extensively restored.

2. meaning: The left-hand side of a road if one drives on the left, or right-hand side if one drives on the right.
example: On a motorway, you should never pass another vehicle on the inside.

3. meaning: The side of a curved road, racetrack etc. that has the shorter arc length; the side of a racetrack nearer the interior of the course or some other point of reference.
example: The car in front drifted wide on the bend, so I darted up the inside to take the lead.

4. meaning: (in the plural) The interior organs of the body, especially the guts.
example: Eating that stuff will damage your insides.

5. meaning: A passenger within a coach or carriage, as distinguished from one upon the outside.


: noun: noun
1. meaning: Guts, intestines, innards


(/əʊ/, /oʊ/): noun
1. meaning: The name of the Latin-script letter O.

2. meaning: A zero (used in reading out numbers).
example: It is currently two-o-five in the afternoon (2:05 PM).


: noun
1. meaning: (IRC) Operator

2. meaning: Object, see SVO


: noun: adjective
1. meaning: Over


: noun: adjective: interjection
1. meaning: Expression of surprise.
example: Oh! I didn't see you there.

2. meaning: Expression of wonder, amazement, or awe.
example: Oh, wow! That's amazing.

3. meaning: Expression of understanding, affirmation, recognition, or realization.
example: Oh, so that's how it works.

4. meaning: A word to precede an offhand or annoyed remark.
example: Oh, leave me alone.

5. meaning: A word to precede an added comment or afterthought.
example: Oh, and don't forget your coat.

6. meaning: An invocation or address (similar to the vocative in languages with noun declension), often with a term of endearment.

7. meaning: Exclamation for drama or emphasis (often poetic).
example: Oh, when will it end?

8. meaning: Expression of pain. See ouch.
example: Oh! That hurt.

9. meaning: Space filler or extra syllable, especially in (popular) music.

10. meaning: (interrogative) Expression of mild scepticism.
example: "You should watch where you're going!" "Oh?"

11. meaning: A word to mark a spoken phrase as imaginary.
example: What if he says "Oh, I need to see your ID"?


: preposition
1. meaning: Expressing distance or motion.

2. meaning: Expressing separation.

3. meaning: Expressing origin.

4. meaning: Expressing agency.

5. meaning: Expressing composition, substance.

6. meaning: Introducing subject matter.

7. meaning: Having partitive effect.

8. meaning: Expressing possession.

9. meaning: Forming the "objective genitive".

10. meaning: Expressing qualities or characteristics.

11. meaning: Expressing a point in time.


(/djuːz/, /duz/): noun
1. meaning: Deserved acknowledgment.
example: Give him his due — he is a good actor.

2. meaning: (in plural dues) A membership fee.

3. meaning: That which is owed; debt; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done, duty.

4. meaning: Right; just title or claim.


(/djuːz/, /duz/): noun: noun
1. meaning: Membership fees.


(/ɹeɪ/): preposition
1. meaning: About, regarding, with reference to; especially in letters, documents and emails.


(/ɹeɪ/): noun
1. meaning: A syllable used in solfège to represent the second note of a major scale.


(/ɹiː/): noun
1. meaning: Reinsurance.


(/əʊ/, /oʊ/): noun
1. meaning: The name of the Latin-script letter O.

2. meaning: A zero (used in reading out numbers).
example: It is currently two-o-five in the afternoon (2:05 PM).


: noun
1. meaning: (IRC) Operator

2. meaning: Object, see SVO


: noun: adjective
1. meaning: Over


: noun: adjective: interjection
1. meaning: Expression of surprise.
example: Oh! I didn't see you there.

2. meaning: Expression of wonder, amazement, or awe.
example: Oh, wow! That's amazing.

3. meaning: Expression of understanding, affirmation, recognition, or realization.
example: Oh, so that's how it works.

4. meaning: A word to precede an offhand or annoyed remark.
example: Oh, leave me alone.

5. meaning: A word to precede an added comment or afterthought.
example: Oh, and don't forget your coat.

6. meaning: An invocation or address (similar to the vocative in languages with noun declension), often with a term of endearment.

7. meaning: Exclamation for drama or emphasis (often poetic).
example: Oh, when will it end?

8. meaning: Expression of pain. See ouch.
example: Oh! That hurt.

9. meaning: Space filler or extra syllable, especially in (popular) music.

10. meaning: (interrogative) Expression of mild scepticism.
example: "You should watch where you're going!" "Oh?"

11. meaning: A word to mark a spoken phrase as imaginary.
example: What if he says "Oh, I need to see your ID"?


: preposition
1. meaning: Expressing distance or motion.

2. meaning: Expressing separation.

3. meaning: Expressing origin.

4. meaning: Expressing agency.

5. meaning: Expressing composition, substance.

6. meaning: Introducing subject matter.

7. meaning: Having partitive effect.

8. meaning: Expressing possession.

9. meaning: Forming the "objective genitive".

10. meaning: Expressing qualities or characteristics.

11. meaning: Expressing a point in time.


(/dʒʉː/, /dʒʉː/, /djuː/, /du/): noun
1. meaning: Deserved acknowledgment.
example: Give him his due — he is a good actor.

2. meaning: (in plural dues) A membership fee.

3. meaning: That which is owed; debt; that which belongs or may be claimed as a right; whatever custom, law, or morality requires to be done, duty.

4. meaning: Right; just title or claim.


(/dʒʉː/, /dʒʉː/, /djuː/, /du/): noun: adjective
1. meaning: Owed or owing.
example: He can wait for the amount due him.
synonyms: needed, owing, required, to be made

2. meaning: Appropriate.
example: With all due respect, you're wrong about that.

3. meaning: Scheduled; expected.
example: Rain is due this afternoon.
synonyms: expected, forecast

4. meaning: Having reached the expected, scheduled, or natural time.
example: The baby is just about due.
synonyms: expected

5. meaning: Owing; ascribable, as to a cause.
example: The dangerously low water table is due to rapidly growing pumping.

6. meaning: On a direct bearing, especially for the four points of the compass
example: The town is 5 miles due North of the bridge.


(/dʒʉː/, /dʒʉː/, /djuː/, /du/): noun: adjective: adverb
1. meaning: (used with compass directions) Directly; exactly.
example: The river runs due north for about a mile.

problem_type: 25/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_conjunction_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using conjunctions given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: however, because, wherefore, for

... In consequence, many individual factory groups become patrons of Red Army units, visiting them in their barracks, often with their families, receiving them at the factory, in the Club, and finally in their homes. Nor is it unusual __________ a Club to give a tractor to the village with which it is affiliated. In the Baltic Ship Yards, in Leningrad, 3,000 workers voluntarily belong to an association which, through its dues, is establishing libraries, delivering modern agricultural machinery, helping to drain swamps in a group of villages three hundred and fifty miles away....
-  New School In Russia

Certainly Russian teachers and children can plan things better than most, not __________ they are only theoreticians but __________ they can visualize things as wholes.
-  New School In Russia

These are still unbelievably low, but so also are all wages, and so is the standard of living. __________, there are compensations. In the long summer vacation there is the opportunity to travel and to rest, notably along the Black Sea, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, on the Volga; in cities __________ rural teachers, and, in the country, __________ those from the larger towns and cities, in what were once the pleasure palaces of the nobility and the very wealthy....

... We workers in woods make bridal-bedsteads and card-tables, as well as coffins and hearses. We work by the month, or by the job, or by the profit; not __________ us to ask the why and __________ of our work, unless it be too confounded cobbling, and then we stash it if we can. Hem! I'll do the job, now, tenderly....

Words: however, because, wherefore, for
... In consequence, many individual factory groups become patrons of Red Army units, visiting them in their barracks, often with their families, receiving them at the factory, in the Club, and finally in their homes. Nor is it unusual for a Club to give a tractor to the village with which it is affiliated. In the Baltic Ship Yards, in Leningrad, 3,000 workers voluntarily belong to an association which, through its dues, is establishing libraries, delivering modern agricultural machinery, helping to drain swamps in a group of villages three hundred and fifty miles away....
-  New School In Russia

Certainly Russian teachers and children can plan things better than most, not because they are only theoreticians but because they can visualize things as wholes.
-  New School In Russia

These are still unbelievably low, but so also are all wages, and so is the standard of living. However, there are compensations. In the long summer vacation there is the opportunity to travel and to rest, notably along the Black Sea, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, on the Volga; in cities for rural teachers, and, in the country, for those from the larger towns and cities, in what were once the pleasure palaces of the nobility and the very wealthy....

... We workers in woods make bridal-bedsteads and card-tables, as well as coffins and hearses. We work by the month, or by the job, or by the profit; not for us to ask the why and wherefore of our work, unless it be too confounded cobbling, and then we stash it if we can. Hem! I'll do the job, now, tenderly....

... In consequence, many individual factory groups become patrons of Red Army units, visiting them in their barracks, often with their families, receiving them at the factory, in the Club, and finally in their homes. Nor is it unusual for a Club to give a tractor to the village with which it is affiliated. In the Baltic Ship Yards, in Leningrad, 3,000 workers voluntarily belong to an association which, through its dues, is establishing libraries, delivering modern agricultural machinery, helping to drain swamps in a group of villages three hundred and fifty miles away....
-  New School In Russia

Certainly Russian teachers and children can plan things better than most, not because they are only theoreticians but because they can visualize things as wholes.
-  New School In Russia

These are still unbelievably low, but so also are all wages, and so is the standard of living. However, there are compensations. In the long summer vacation there is the opportunity to travel and to rest, notably along the Black Sea, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, on the Volga; in cities for rural teachers, and, in the country, for those from the larger towns and cities, in what were once the pleasure palaces of the nobility and the very wealthy....

... We workers in woods make bridal-bedsteads and card-tables, as well as coffins and hearses. We work by the month, or by the job, or by the profit; not for us to ask the why and wherefore of our work, unless it be too confounded cobbling, and then we stash it if we can. Hem! I'll do the job, now, tenderly....

More meanings and details:


(/hɑʊˈɛvə/, /haʊˈɛvɚ/): adverb
1. meaning: Nevertheless; yet, still; in spite of (that).
example: He told me not to do it. I, however, did it anyway. / I did it anyway, however. / (sometimes proscribed:) However, I did it anyway.

2. meaning: (degree) To whatever degree or extent
example: However clear you think you've been, many questions will remain.

3. meaning: (manner) In whatever way or manner.
example: Let me know when you've had your interview, however it goes.

4. meaning: An emphatic form of how.
example: However were you able to do it?

5. meaning: In any case, at any rate, at all events.


(/hɑʊˈɛvə/, /haʊˈɛvɚ/): adverb: conjunction
1. meaning: In whatever way or manner.
example: she offered to help however she could

2. meaning: Although, though, but, yet.


(/bɪˈkɒz/, , /biˈkɔz/): adverb
1. meaning: For the reason (that).

2. meaning: On account (of), for sake (of).
example: My life is ruined because of you!

3. meaning: (by ellipsis) Used alone to refuse to provide a full answer a question begun with "why", usually taken as an anapodoton of the elided full phrase "Because I said so".


(/bɪˈkɒz/, , /biˈkɔz/): adverb: preposition
1. meaning: On account of, because of.


(/bɪˈkɒz/, , /biˈkɔz/): adverb: preposition: conjunction
1. meaning: By or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that.
example: I hid myself because I was afraid.

2. meaning: As is known, inferred, or determined from the fact that.
example: I don't think he is a nice person, because he yells at people for no reason.

3. meaning: So that, in order that.


(/ˈweə(ɹ)ˌfɔː(ɹ)/): noun
1. meaning: An intent or purpose; a why.


(/ˈweə(ɹ)ˌfɔː(ɹ)/): noun: adverb
1. meaning: (interrogative) Why, for what reason, because of what.

2. meaning: (indicative) Therefore.


(/ˈweə(ɹ)ˌfɔː(ɹ)/): noun: adverb: conjunction
1. meaning: Because of which.

problem_type: 26/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_interjection_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using interjections given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: ed, botheration, bitch, bow

He gave a queer little __________, lifting his hat. 'You did, your Ladyship,' he said; then, with a return to the vernacular: 'but I canna tell yer.' And he became a soldier, inscrutable, only pale with annoyance.

... Was the way the poor outsider had shoved and bounced himself forward in person, and by the back doors, any worse than Clifford's way of advertising himself into prominence? The __________-goddess, Success, was trailed by thousands of gasping, dogs with lolling tongues. The one that got her first was the real dog among dogs, if you go by success!...

. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994. A comprehensive account of the closely intertwined family. ---, __________.

'Oh, __________!' returned Sydney, with a lighter and more goodhumoured laugh, 'don't YOU be moral!'

Words: ed, botheration, bitch, bow
He gave a queer little bow, lifting his hat. 'You did, your Ladyship,' he said; then, with a return to the vernacular: 'but I canna tell yer.' And he became a soldier, inscrutable, only pale with annoyance.

... Was the way the poor outsider had shoved and bounced himself forward in person, and by the back doors, any worse than Clifford's way of advertising himself into prominence? The bitch-goddess, Success, was trailed by thousands of gasping, dogs with lolling tongues. The one that got her first was the real dog among dogs, if you go by success!...

. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994. A comprehensive account of the closely intertwined family. ---, ed.

'Oh, botheration!' returned Sydney, with a lighter and more goodhumoured laugh, 'don't YOU be moral!'

He gave a queer little bow, lifting his hat. 'You did, your Ladyship,' he said; then, with a return to the vernacular: 'but I canna tell yer.' And he became a soldier, inscrutable, only pale with annoyance.

... Was the way the poor outsider had shoved and bounced himself forward in person, and by the back doors, any worse than Clifford's way of advertising himself into prominence? The bitch-goddess, Success, was trailed by thousands of gasping, dogs with lolling tongues. The one that got her first was the real dog among dogs, if you go by success!...

. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994. A comprehensive account of the closely intertwined family. ---, ed.

'Oh, botheration!' returned Sydney, with a lighter and more goodhumoured laugh, 'don't YOU be moral!'


bitch: unpleasant woman
bow: bend the head or the upper body in respect or greeting

More meanings and details:


(/ˈbɪtʃɪŋ/): verb
1. meaning: To behave or act as a bitch.

2. meaning: To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
example: All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you!

3. meaning: To spoil, to ruin.


(/ˈbɪtʃɪŋ/): verb: noun
1. meaning: A spiteful criticism or complaint.


(/ˈbɪtʃɪŋ/): verb: noun: adjective
1. meaning: Excellent; outstanding.

2. meaning: Awful, terrible.
example: Just my bitching luck.


(/baʊd/): verb
1. meaning: To play music on (a stringed) instrument using a bow.
example: The musician bowed his violin expertly.

2. meaning: To become bent or curved.
example: The shelf bowed under the weight of the books.

3. meaning: To make something bend or curve.

4. meaning: To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.

5. meaning: To premiere.
example: Cronenberg’s "Cosmopolis" bows in Cannes this week.


(/baʊd/): verb: verb
1. meaning: To bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference.
example: That singer always bows towards her audience for some reason.

2. meaning: To debut.

3. meaning: To defer (to something).
example: I bow to your better judgement in the matter.

4. meaning: To give a direction, indication, or command to by bowing.


(/bəʊd/, /boʊd/): verb
1. meaning: To play music on (a stringed) instrument using a bow.
example: The musician bowed his violin expertly.

2. meaning: To become bent or curved.
example: The shelf bowed under the weight of the books.

3. meaning: To make something bend or curve.

4. meaning: To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.

5. meaning: To premiere.
example: Cronenberg’s "Cosmopolis" bows in Cannes this week.


(/bəʊd/, /boʊd/): verb: verb
1. meaning: To bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference.
example: That singer always bows towards her audience for some reason.

2. meaning: To debut.

3. meaning: To defer (to something).
example: I bow to your better judgement in the matter.

4. meaning: To give a direction, indication, or command to by bowing.


(/bəʊd/, /boʊd/): verb: verb: adjective
1. meaning: Having a bow (rod for playing stringed instruments), e.g. a bowed instrument is played with a bow


(/bɪtʃt/): verb
1. meaning: To behave or act as a bitch.

2. meaning: To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
example: All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you!

3. meaning: To spoil, to ruin.


(/bɪtʃt/): adjective
1. meaning: Wretched; vile; accursed; damned

2. meaning: Causing difficulty; nasty; unpleasant; problematic; (intensifier) damned, bloody


(/bɪt͡s/, /bɪt͡s/): noun
1. meaning: (dog-breeding) A female dog or other canine, particularly a recent mother.
example: My bitch just had puppies; they're so cute!

2. meaning: A promiscuous woman, slut, whore.

3. meaning: A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, usually a woman.
example: Ann gossiped about me and mocked my work; sometimes she can be a real bitch!

4. meaning: A woman.

5. meaning: A man considered weak, effeminate, timid or pathetic in some way

6. meaning: A submissive person who does what others want; a man forced or coerced into a homoerotic relationship.
example: Dude, don't be such a bitch. Assert yourself.

7. meaning: (of a man) A playful variation on dog (sense "man").

8. meaning: (used with a possessive pronoun) Friend.
example: How my bitches been doin'?

9. meaning: A complaint, especially when the complaint is unjustified.

10. meaning: (usually only used in the singular) A difficult or confounding problem.
example: Level 5 was a real bitch, don’t you think?

11. meaning: A queen (playing card), particularly the queen of spades in the card game of hearts.

12. meaning: Something unforgiving and unpleasant.
example: Karma's a bitch.

13. meaning: Place; situation


(/bɪt͡s/, /bɪt͡s/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To behave or act as a bitch.

2. meaning: To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
example: All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you!

3. meaning: To spoil, to ruin.


(/bəʊ/, /boʊ/): noun
1. meaning: A weapon made of a curved piece of wood or other flexible material whose ends are connected by a string, used for shooting arrows.

2. meaning: A curved bend in a rod or planar surface, or in a linear formation such as a river (see oxbow).

3. meaning: A rod with horsehair (or an artificial substitute) stretched between the ends, used for playing various stringed musical instruments.

4. meaning: A stringed instrument (chordophone), consisting of a stick with a single taut cord stretched between the ends, most often played by plucking.

5. meaning: A type of knot with two loops, used to tie together two cords such as shoelaces or apron strings, and frequently used as decoration, such as in gift-wrapping.

6. meaning: Anything bent or curved, such as a rainbow.

7. meaning: The U-shaped piece which goes around the neck of an ox and fastens it to the yoke.

8. meaning: Either of the arms of a pair of spectacles, running from the side of the lens to behind the wearer's ear.

9. meaning: Any instrument consisting of an elastic rod, with ends connected by a string, employed for giving reciprocating motion to a drill, or for preparing and arranging hair, fur, etc., used by hatters.

10. meaning: A crude sort of quadrant formerly used for taking the sun's altitude at sea.

11. meaning: (saddlery) Two pieces of wood which form the arched forward part of a saddletree.

12. meaning: The part of a key that is not inserted into the lock and that is used to turn the key.


(/bəʊ/, /boʊ/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To play music on (a stringed) instrument using a bow.
example: The musician bowed his violin expertly.

2. meaning: To become bent or curved.
example: The shelf bowed under the weight of the books.

3. meaning: To make something bend or curve.

4. meaning: To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.

5. meaning: To premiere.
example: Cronenberg’s "Cosmopolis" bows in Cannes this week.


(/baʊ/, /baʊ/): noun
1. meaning: A gesture, usually showing respect, made by inclining the head or bending forward at the waist; a reverence
example: He made a polite bow as he entered the room.


(/baʊ/, /baʊ/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference.
example: That singer always bows towards her audience for some reason.

2. meaning: To debut.

3. meaning: To defer (to something).
example: I bow to your better judgement in the matter.

4. meaning: To give a direction, indication, or command to by bowing.


(/baʊ/): noun
1. meaning: The front of a boat or ship.

2. meaning: The rower that sits in the seat closest to the bow of the boat.


: noun
1. meaning: A firm branch of a tree.
example: When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.

2. meaning: The gallows.


(/ɛd/): noun
1. meaning: Education. Often used in set phrases such as phys ed, driver's ed, special ed, etc.


(/ɛd/): noun: noun
1. meaning: Edition

2. meaning: Editor

3. meaning: Education (uncountable)


(/ˌbɒðəˈreɪʃən/): noun
1. meaning: The act of bothering, or state of being bothered; cause of trouble
synonyms: annoyance, perplexity, vexation


(/ˌbɒðəˈreɪʃən/): noun: interjection
1. meaning: An expression of annoyance.


(/ˈbɪtʃəz/): noun
1. meaning: (dog-breeding) A female dog or other canine, particularly a recent mother.
example: My bitch just had puppies; they're so cute!

2. meaning: A promiscuous woman, slut, whore.

3. meaning: A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, usually a woman.
example: Ann gossiped about me and mocked my work; sometimes she can be a real bitch!

4. meaning: A woman.

5. meaning: A man considered weak, effeminate, timid or pathetic in some way

6. meaning: A submissive person who does what others want; a man forced or coerced into a homoerotic relationship.
example: Dude, don't be such a bitch. Assert yourself.

7. meaning: (of a man) A playful variation on dog (sense "man").

8. meaning: (used with a possessive pronoun) Friend.
example: How my bitches been doin'?

9. meaning: A complaint, especially when the complaint is unjustified.

10. meaning: (usually only used in the singular) A difficult or confounding problem.
example: Level 5 was a real bitch, don’t you think?

11. meaning: A queen (playing card), particularly the queen of spades in the card game of hearts.

12. meaning: Something unforgiving and unpleasant.
example: Karma's a bitch.

13. meaning: Place; situation


(/ˈbɪtʃəz/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To behave or act as a bitch.

2. meaning: To criticize spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.
example: All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you!

3. meaning: To spoil, to ruin.


(/baʊz/): noun
1. meaning: A firm branch of a tree.
example: When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall.

2. meaning: The gallows.


(/baʊz/): noun: noun
1. meaning: A weapon made of a curved piece of wood or other flexible material whose ends are connected by a string, used for shooting arrows.

2. meaning: A curved bend in a rod or planar surface, or in a linear formation such as a river (see oxbow).

3. meaning: A rod with horsehair (or an artificial substitute) stretched between the ends, used for playing various stringed musical instruments.

4. meaning: A stringed instrument (chordophone), consisting of a stick with a single taut cord stretched between the ends, most often played by plucking.

5. meaning: A type of knot with two loops, used to tie together two cords such as shoelaces or apron strings, and frequently used as decoration, such as in gift-wrapping.

6. meaning: Anything bent or curved, such as a rainbow.

7. meaning: The U-shaped piece which goes around the neck of an ox and fastens it to the yoke.

8. meaning: Either of the arms of a pair of spectacles, running from the side of the lens to behind the wearer's ear.

9. meaning: Any instrument consisting of an elastic rod, with ends connected by a string, employed for giving reciprocating motion to a drill, or for preparing and arranging hair, fur, etc., used by hatters.

10. meaning: A crude sort of quadrant formerly used for taking the sun's altitude at sea.

11. meaning: (saddlery) Two pieces of wood which form the arched forward part of a saddletree.

12. meaning: The part of a key that is not inserted into the lock and that is used to turn the key.


(/baʊz/): noun: noun: verb
1. meaning: To play music on (a stringed) instrument using a bow.
example: The musician bowed his violin expertly.

2. meaning: To become bent or curved.
example: The shelf bowed under the weight of the books.

3. meaning: To make something bend or curve.

4. meaning: To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.

5. meaning: To premiere.
example: Cronenberg’s "Cosmopolis" bows in Cannes this week.


(/baʊz/): noun: noun: verb: noun
1. meaning: A gesture, usually showing respect, made by inclining the head or bending forward at the waist; a reverence
example: He made a polite bow as he entered the room.


(/baʊz/): noun: noun: verb: noun: verb
1. meaning: To bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference.
example: That singer always bows towards her audience for some reason.

2. meaning: To debut.

3. meaning: To defer (to something).
example: I bow to your better judgement in the matter.

4. meaning: To give a direction, indication, or command to by bowing.


(/baʊz/): noun: noun: verb: noun: verb: noun
1. meaning: The front of a boat or ship.

2. meaning: The rower that sits in the seat closest to the bow of the boat.


: verb
1. meaning: To play music on (a stringed) instrument using a bow.
example: The musician bowed his violin expertly.

2. meaning: To become bent or curved.
example: The shelf bowed under the weight of the books.

3. meaning: To make something bend or curve.

4. meaning: To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.

5. meaning: To premiere.
example: Cronenberg’s "Cosmopolis" bows in Cannes this week.


: verb: verb
1. meaning: To bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference.
example: That singer always bows towards her audience for some reason.

2. meaning: To debut.

3. meaning: To defer (to something).
example: I bow to your better judgement in the matter.

4. meaning: To give a direction, indication, or command to by bowing.


: verb: verb: noun
1. meaning: The act of bending at the waist, as a sign of respect or greeting.
example: The courtier had practiced his bowing.

2. meaning: A bending.
example: The heavy books caused a bowing in the shelf.

3. meaning: A technique for using the bow on a string instrument such as a violin.

problem_type: 27/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_determiner_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using determiners given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: her, which, yonder, last

The latter allusion struck deep, and the injury rankled. Many of the Hurons understood the strange tongue in __________ the captive spoke, among __________ number was Magua. This cunning savage beheld, and instantly profited by his advantage....
-  The __________ Of The Mohicans

I must not think nonsense, he thought. Luck is a thing that comes in many forms and who can recognize __________? I would take some though in any form and pay what they asked. I wish I could see the glow from the lights, he thought....

"I have no cramps," he said. "He'll be up soon and I can __________. You have to __________. Don't even speak of it."

'Doctrine or no doctrine,' said the sturdy woodsman, 'tis the belief of knaves, and the curse of an honest man. I can credit that __________ Huron was to fall by my hand, for with my own eyes I have seen it; but nothing short of being a witness will cause me to think he has met with any reward, or that Chingachgook there will be condemned at the final day....

Words: her, which, yonder, last
The latter allusion struck deep, and the injury rankled. Many of the Hurons understood the strange tongue in which the captive spoke, among which number was Magua. This cunning savage beheld, and instantly profited by his advantage....
-  The Last Of The Mohicans

I must not think nonsense, he thought. Luck is a thing that comes in many forms and who can recognize her? I would take some though in any form and pay what they asked. I wish I could see the glow from the lights, he thought....

"I have no cramps," he said. "He'll be up soon and I can last. You have to last. Don't even speak of it."

'Doctrine or no doctrine,' said the sturdy woodsman, 'tis the belief of knaves, and the curse of an honest man. I can credit that yonder Huron was to fall by my hand, for with my own eyes I have seen it; but nothing short of being a witness will cause me to think he has met with any reward, or that Chingachgook there will be condemned at the final day....

The latter allusion struck deep, and the injury rankled. Many of the Hurons understood the strange tongue in which the captive spoke, among which number was Magua. This cunning savage beheld, and instantly profited by his advantage....
-  The Last Of The Mohicans

I must not think nonsense, he thought. Luck is a thing that comes in many forms and who can recognize her? I would take some though in any form and pay what they asked. I wish I could see the glow from the lights, he thought....

"I have no cramps," he said. "He'll be up soon and I can last. You have to last. Don't even speak of it."

'Doctrine or no doctrine,' said the sturdy woodsman, 'tis the belief of knaves, and the curse of an honest man. I can credit that yonder Huron was to fall by my hand, for with my own eyes I have seen it; but nothing short of being a witness will cause me to think he has met with any reward, or that Chingachgook there will be condemned at the final day....


last: concluding, final, terminal

More meanings and details:


(/ˈlastɪd/, /ˈlastɪd/, /ˈlɑːstɪd/, /ˈlæstɪd/): verb
1. meaning: To perform, carry out.

2. meaning: To endure, continue over time.
example: Summer seems to last longer each year.

3. meaning: To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.
example: I don't know how much longer we can last without reinforcements.


(/ˈlastɪd/, /ˈlastɪd/, /ˈlɑːstɪd/, /ˈlæstɪd/): verb: verb
1. meaning: To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last.
example: to last a boot


(, /ˈjɒndə(ɹ)/, /ˈjɑndəɹ/): adverb
1. meaning: To that place.

2. meaning: To that point, end, or result.
example: The argument tended thither.


(, /ˈjɒndə(ɹ)/, /ˈjɑndəɹ/): adverb: noun
1. meaning: The vast distance, particularly the sky or trackless forest.


(, /ˈjɒndə(ɹ)/, /ˈjɑndəɹ/): adverb: noun: adjective
1. meaning: (with "the") The farther, the more distant of two choices.


(, /ˈjɒndə(ɹ)/, /ˈjɑndəɹ/): adverb: noun: adjective: adverb
1. meaning: At or in a distant but indicated place.
example: Whose doublewide is that over yonder?


(/ˈlastɪŋ/, /ˈlɑːstɪŋ/, /ˈlæstɪŋ/): verb
1. meaning: To perform, carry out.

2. meaning: To endure, continue over time.
example: Summer seems to last longer each year.

3. meaning: To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.
example: I don't know how much longer we can last without reinforcements.


(/ˈlastɪŋ/, /ˈlɑːstɪŋ/, /ˈlæstɪŋ/): verb: verb
1. meaning: To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last.
example: to last a boot


(/ˈlastɪŋ/, /ˈlɑːstɪŋ/, /ˈlæstɪŋ/): verb: verb: noun
1. meaning: The action or state of persisting; the time during which something or someone persists.
synonyms: continuance, duration, endurance

2. meaning: A durable woollen material formerly used for women's shoes.
synonyms: everlasting

3. meaning: The act or process of shaping footwear on a last.


(/ˈlastɪŋ/, /ˈlɑːstɪŋ/, /ˈlæstɪŋ/): verb: verb: noun: adjective
1. meaning: Persisting for an extended period of time.
example: After World War I it was hoped that a lasting peace had been achieved. It hadn’t.
synonyms: abiding, durable

2. meaning: Persisting forever.
synonyms: eternal, everlasting


(/lasts/, /ɫasts/, /lɑːsts/, /læsts/): verb
1. meaning: To perform, carry out.

2. meaning: To endure, continue over time.
example: Summer seems to last longer each year.

3. meaning: To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.
example: I don't know how much longer we can last without reinforcements.


(/lasts/, /ɫasts/, /lɑːsts/, /læsts/): verb: noun
1. meaning: A tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes.


(/lasts/, /ɫasts/, /lɑːsts/, /læsts/): verb: noun: verb
1. meaning: To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last.
example: to last a boot


(/lasts/, /ɫasts/, /lɑːsts/, /læsts/): verb: noun: verb: noun
1. meaning: A burden; load; a cargo; freight.

2. meaning: A measure of weight or quantity, varying in designation depending on the goods concerned.

3. meaning: An old English (and Dutch) measure of the carrying capacity of a ship, equal to two tons.

4. meaning: A load of some commodity with reference to its weight and commercial value.


(/ə(ɹ)/, /ɚ/): noun
1. meaning: A female person or animal.
example: I think this bird is a him, but it may be a her.


(/ə(ɹ)/, /ɚ/): noun: pronoun
1. meaning: The form of she used after a preposition or as the object of a verb; that woman, that ship, etc.


(/last/, /ɫast/, /lɑːst/, /læst/): adjective
1. meaning: Final, ultimate, coming after all others of its kind.
example: “Eyes Wide Shut” was the last film to be directed by Stanley Kubrick.

2. meaning: Most recent, latest, last so far.
example: I have received your note dated the 17th last, and am responding to say that [...]

3. meaning: Farthest of all from a given quality, character, or condition; most unlikely, or least preferable.
example: He is the last person to be accused of theft.

4. meaning: Being the only one remaining of its class.
example: Japan is the last empire.

5. meaning: Supreme; highest in degree; utmost.

6. meaning: Lowest in rank or degree.
example: the last prize


(/last/, /ɫast/, /lɑːst/, /læst/): adjective: adverb
1. meaning: Most recently.
example: When we last met, he was based in Toronto.

2. meaning: (sequence) after everything else; finally
example: I'll go last.


(/last/, /ɫast/, /lɑːst/, /læst/): verb
1. meaning: To perform, carry out.

2. meaning: To endure, continue over time.
example: Summer seems to last longer each year.

3. meaning: To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.
example: I don't know how much longer we can last without reinforcements.


(/last/, /ɫast/, /lɑːst/, /læst/): noun
1. meaning: A tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes.


(/last/, /ɫast/, /lɑːst/, /læst/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To shape with a last; to fasten or fit to a last; to place smoothly on a last.
example: to last a boot


(/last/, /ɫast/, /lɑːst/, /læst/): noun
1. meaning: A burden; load; a cargo; freight.

2. meaning: A measure of weight or quantity, varying in designation depending on the goods concerned.

3. meaning: An old English (and Dutch) measure of the carrying capacity of a ship, equal to two tons.

4. meaning: A load of some commodity with reference to its weight and commercial value.


(/wɪt͡ʃ/, /wɪt͡ʃ/): pronoun
1. meaning: (interrogative) What one or ones (of those mentioned or implied).
example: By now, you must surely know which is which.

2. meaning: The/Any ones that; whichever.
example: Please take which you please.

3. meaning: (relative) Introduces a relative clause giving further information about something previously mentioned.
example: He had to leave, which was very difficult.

4. meaning: (relative) Used of people (now generally who, whom or that).

problem_type: 28/28 (loop 0/0)

Problem Template: _problem_predeterminer_fill_blanks

Fill in the blanks using predeterminers given below.
Use punctuation or change the form of words if needed.

Words: both, many, half, quite

... As he was thus sitting, his finger hurt him so violently that he involuntarily put it in the water. He drew it quickly out again, but saw that it was __________ gilded, and whatsoever pains he took to wash the gold off again, all was to no purpose. In the evening Iron Hans came back, looked at the boy, and said: 'What has happened to the well?...

... The willow-wren with his army also came flying through the air with such a humming, and whirring, and swarming that every one was uneasy and afraid, and on __________ sides they advanced against each other. But the willow-wren sent down the hornet, with orders to settle beneath the fox's tail, and sting with all his might....

... There was a great noise and crowd in the streets, and a man rode up on horseback, crying aloud: 'The king's daughter wants a husband; but whoever seeks her hand must perform a hard task, and if he does not succeed he will forfeit his life.' __________ had already made the attempt, but in vain; nevertheless when the youth saw the king's daughter he was so overcome by her great beauty that he forgot all danger, went before the king, and declared himself a suitor....

... The child is __________ black, only it has white paws, but with that exception, it has not a single white hair on its whole body; this only happens once every few years, you will let me go, won't you?' 'Top- off! __________-done!' answered the mouse, 'they are such odd names, they make me very thoughtful.' 'You sit at home,' said the cat, 'in your dark-grey fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that's because you do not go out in the daytime....

Words: both, many, half, quite
... As he was thus sitting, his finger hurt him so violently that he involuntarily put it in the water. He drew it quickly out again, but saw that it was quite gilded, and whatsoever pains he took to wash the gold off again, all was to no purpose. In the evening Iron Hans came back, looked at the boy, and said: 'What has happened to the well?...

... The willow-wren with his army also came flying through the air with such a humming, and whirring, and swarming that every one was uneasy and afraid, and on both sides they advanced against each other. But the willow-wren sent down the hornet, with orders to settle beneath the fox's tail, and sting with all his might....

... There was a great noise and crowd in the streets, and a man rode up on horseback, crying aloud: 'The king's daughter wants a husband; but whoever seeks her hand must perform a hard task, and if he does not succeed he will forfeit his life.' Many had already made the attempt, but in vain; nevertheless when the youth saw the king's daughter he was so overcome by her great beauty that he forgot all danger, went before the king, and declared himself a suitor....

... The child is quite black, only it has white paws, but with that exception, it has not a single white hair on its whole body; this only happens once every few years, you will let me go, won't you?' 'Top- off! Half-done!' answered the mouse, 'they are such odd names, they make me very thoughtful.' 'You sit at home,' said the cat, 'in your dark-grey fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that's because you do not go out in the daytime....

... As he was thus sitting, his finger hurt him so violently that he involuntarily put it in the water. He drew it quickly out again, but saw that it was quite gilded, and whatsoever pains he took to wash the gold off again, all was to no purpose. In the evening Iron Hans came back, looked at the boy, and said: 'What has happened to the well?...

... The willow-wren with his army also came flying through the air with such a humming, and whirring, and swarming that every one was uneasy and afraid, and on both sides they advanced against each other. But the willow-wren sent down the hornet, with orders to settle beneath the fox's tail, and sting with all his might....

... There was a great noise and crowd in the streets, and a man rode up on horseback, crying aloud: 'The king's daughter wants a husband; but whoever seeks her hand must perform a hard task, and if he does not succeed he will forfeit his life.' Many had already made the attempt, but in vain; nevertheless when the youth saw the king's daughter he was so overcome by her great beauty that he forgot all danger, went before the king, and declared himself a suitor....

... The child is quite black, only it has white paws, but with that exception, it has not a single white hair on its whole body; this only happens once every few years, you will let me go, won't you?' 'Top- off! Half-done!' answered the mouse, 'they are such odd names, they make me very thoughtful.' 'You sit at home,' said the cat, 'in your dark-grey fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that's because you do not go out in the daytime....


half: one-half, one of two equal parts

More meanings and details:


(/ˈmɔː/, /ˈmɔɹ/): adverb
1. meaning: To a greater degree or extent.
example: I could no more climb that than fly!

2. meaning: Used to form the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs.
example: You're more beautiful than I ever imagined.

3. meaning: In negative constructions: any further, any longer; any more.

4. meaning: Used in addition to an inflected comparative form.
example: I was more better at English than you.


(/ˈmɔː/, /ˈmɔɹ/): adverb: pronoun
1. meaning: A greater number or quantity (of something).
example: There isn't enough salt in this. You need to add more.

2. meaning: An extra or additional quantity (of something).
example: There aren't many people here yet, but more should be arriving soon.


(/ˈmɔː/, /ˈmɔɹ/): noun
1. meaning: A carrot; a parsnip.

2. meaning: A root; stock.

3. meaning: A plant.


(/ˈmɔː/, /ˈmɔɹ/): verb
1. meaning: To root up.


(/ˈmæni/, /ˈmɛni/, /ˈmɛni/): noun
1. meaning: A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd.
example: Democracy must balance the rights of the few against the will of the many.

2. meaning: A considerable number.


(/ˈmæni/, /ˈmɛni/, /ˈmɛni/): noun: adjective
1. meaning: A large number of; numerous.


(/ˈmæni/, /ˈmɛni/, /ˈmɛni/): noun: adjective: pronoun
1. meaning: An indefinite large number of people or things.
example: Many are called, but few are chosen.


(/hɑːf/): noun
1. meaning: One of two usually roughly equal parts into which anything may be divided, or considered as divided.
example: I ate the slightly smaller half of the apple.

2. meaning: Half of a standard measure; frequently used for half a pint of beer or cider.

3. meaning: (preceded by “a” or a number) The fraction obtained by dividing 1 by 2.
example: Three-quarters minus a quarter is a half.

4. meaning: Part; side; behalf.

5. meaning: Any of the three terms at Eton College, for Michaelmas, Lent, and summer.

6. meaning: A half sibling.

7. meaning: A child ticket.


(/hɑːf/): noun: verb
1. meaning: To halve.


(/hɑːf/): noun: verb: adjective
1. meaning: Consisting of a half (1/2, 50%).
example: a half bushel; a half hour; a half dollar; a half view

2. meaning: Consisting of some indefinite portion resembling a half; approximately a half, whether more or less; partial; imperfect.
example: a half dream; half knowledge

3. meaning: (of a sibling) Having one parent (rather than two) in common.

4. meaning: (rare, of a relative other than a sibling) Related through one common grandparent or ancestor rather than two.


(/hɑːf/): noun: verb: adjective: adverb
1. meaning: In two equal parts or to an equal degree.

2. meaning: In some part approximating a half.

3. meaning: Partially; imperfectly.
example: He does sometimes half wish to change his life, but it is too difficult.


(/hɑːf/): noun: verb: adjective: adverb: preposition
1. meaning: A half-hour after, thirty minutes after (used with the number of the hour).
example: half one


(/bəʊθ/, /boʊθ/): pronoun
1. meaning: Each of the two, or of the two kinds.
example: "Did you want this one or that one?" — "Give me both."


(/bəʊθ/, /boʊθ/): pronoun: conjunction
1. meaning: Including both of (used with and).
example: Both you and I are students.

2. meaning: Including all of (used with and).


(/ˈməʊst/, /ˈmoʊst/): noun
1. meaning: The greatest amount.
example: The most I can offer for the house is $150,000.

2. meaning: The greater part.
example: Most of the penguins were friendly and curious.

3. meaning: A record-setting amount.


(/ˈməʊst/, /ˈmoʊst/): noun: adverb
1. meaning: Forms the superlative of many adjectives.
example: Correctness is most important.
antonyms: least

2. meaning: To a great extent or degree; highly; very.
example: This is a most unusual specimen.

3. meaning: Superlative of many

4. meaning: Superlative of much
antonyms: least


(/ˈməʊst/, /ˈmoʊst/): noun: adverb: pronoun
1. meaning: The greater part of a group, especially a group of people.
example: Most want the best for their children.


(/ˈməʊst/, /ˈmoʊst/): adverb
1. meaning: Almost.


: noun
1. meaning: One of two usually roughly equal parts into which anything may be divided, or considered as divided.
example: I ate the slightly smaller half of the apple.

2. meaning: Half of a standard measure; frequently used for half a pint of beer or cider.

3. meaning: (preceded by “a” or a number) The fraction obtained by dividing 1 by 2.
example: Three-quarters minus a quarter is a half.

4. meaning: Part; side; behalf.

5. meaning: Any of the three terms at Eton College, for Michaelmas, Lent, and summer.

6. meaning: A half sibling.

7. meaning: A child ticket.


: noun: verb
1. meaning: To reduce to half the original amount.

2. meaning: To divide into two halves.

3. meaning: To make up half of.

4. meaning: To join two pieces of timber etc. by cutting away each for half its thickness at the joining place, and fitting together.

5. meaning: In match play, to achieve a tie or draw on.
example: to halve a hole or a match


(/kwaɪt/, /kwaɪt/): adverb
1. meaning: (heading) To the greatest extent or degree; completely, entirely.
synonyms: absolutely, fully, thoroughly, totally, utterly

2. meaning: (heading) In a fully justified sense; truly, perfectly, actually.

3. meaning: To a moderate extent or degree; somewhat, rather.
antonyms: slightly


(/kwaɪt/, /kwaɪt/): adverb: interjection
1. meaning: Indicates agreement; "exactly so".


(/ˈkiːteɪ/): noun
1. meaning: A series of passes made with the cape to distract the bull.

In [ ]:

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