Help on function color_palette in module seaborn.palettes:
color_palette(palette=None, n_colors=None, desat=None, as_cmap=False)
Return a list of colors or continuous colormap defining a palette.
Possible ``palette`` values include:
- Name of a seaborn palette (deep, muted, bright, pastel, dark, colorblind)
- Name of matplotlib colormap
- 'husl' or 'hls'
- 'ch:<cubehelix arguments>'
- 'light:<color>', 'dark:<color>', 'blend:<color>,<color>',
- A sequence of colors in any format matplotlib accepts
Calling this function with ``palette=None`` will return the current
matplotlib color cycle.
This function can also be used in a ``with`` statement to temporarily
set the color cycle for a plot or set of plots.
See the :ref:`tutorial <palette_tutorial>` for more information.
palette : None, string, or sequence, optional
Name of palette or None to return current palette. If a sequence, input
colors are used but possibly cycled and desaturated.
n_colors : int, optional
Number of colors in the palette. If ``None``, the default will depend
on how ``palette`` is specified. Named palettes default to 6 colors,
but grabbing the current palette or passing in a list of colors will
not change the number of colors unless this is specified. Asking for
more colors than exist in the palette will cause it to cycle. Ignored
when ``as_cmap`` is True.
desat : float, optional
Proportion to desaturate each color by.
as_cmap : bool
If True, return a :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`.
list of RGB tuples or :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`
See Also
set_palette : Set the default color cycle for all plots.
set_color_codes : Reassign color codes like ``"b"``, ``"g"``, etc. to
colors from one of the seaborn palettes.
.. include:: ../docstrings/color_palette.rst